Pages That Mention Keepers' Dwelling
1871-1872 keeper selection and LH building Vol. 336
Office of the Light House Engineer,
SIR: I have to submit the following Report of Operations for the month of August 1872: Cape Foulweather Lt. Station, Ogn. Brick work completed in Tower 6 ft above lower floor, & in Oil House 4 ft above floor. Received & cleaned Metal Work ere??? “Shubrick”. Placed stone steps & sills, & Iron Work as far as work (Brick) has progressed. Shipped 1 Cargo Bricks Cement & Lime from San Francisco. Keepers' Dwelling enclosed, floors laid, 2 coats paint outside, 1 coat plaster on 1st floor, & lathed on 2nd floor. Probably Operations in September. Receive cargo, & ship balance of materials, including, lantern, from San Francisco. Continue work with full force of men on Lt. Ho. & Dwelling. General Work. Engaged on Estimates for Repairs & Improvements.
Very respectfully, Your obedient servant Henry M. Robert Maj. Of Eng’rs & L.H. Eng’r Thirteenth District.