City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Lake Union


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To Council for [?]

To the Board of Public Works,

We citizens and tax payers of Seattle do petition your Honorable Body that the commendable work just completed in our enterprising suburban Town Fremont, may be extended to some extent at least, to the people of Edgewater, that we also may have a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path. Now gentlemen the facts are that when we leave the car at the south end of Boman Avenue under the glare of those lamps we at once go as it were into outer darkness and group our way along at the risk of life + limb to our several places of abode. Gentlemen, at nightfall that whole position of our beautiful city lying directly north of Lake Union is shrouded in darkness. Therefore we would most respectfully suggest that an arc lamp be put at the intersection of Hanson and Oliver Streets (about four [?] east of Downs Hotel). Another one at the corner of Oliver and Elmer, and also one at the intersection of Elmer and George St.

Trusting that this modest request will be met with your approval, and that the work may be done without unnecessary delay, we remain most respectfully yours &c

O J Carr

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Seattle, July 2nd 1890

To the Hon Mayor and Council of Seattle

We the undersigned property owners and residents of the city respectfully call Your immediate attention to the unhealthy condition of the sewerage along the Natural water-course beginning with Eight & Lenora following the course to Rollin & Depot and from John & Rollin following the course to Lake Union. This nuisance has already show it self in a increased number of cases of typhoid fever and other diseases and has been condemned by the Sanitary officer for the immediate abatement of this nuisance we most urgently pray.

I. M. Nist Charly [Shaeck?] Chas. [Prey ?] Chas. A Briggs C. C. Graham G. H. Craver A. H. Stark Fred Korapf J. S. Taylor Joe Davis William Jones John Lyles Jammon John Stephenson Andrew Johnson Chas M. Schwenk [Oscar?] Cornelius N. J. Milhall [?] Millar J. R. [Ban?] Alstine Mrs. W. F. Burt

Eliza Shield Mrs. Lucy Diamand Janie Latton William West Emma Jones S. A. Still Mrs. C. N. Amery W. Taylor John Laurence Mr. D. McLean Mrs M. Sotuck A. B. Carlegavve A. Hood Mrs. A. Foster Geo. F. Nist [Mrs?} Cashman G. Green Chas Green G. H. McPherson

Last edit about 5 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


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To the Honorable the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen!-- Whereas, There was presented to your honorable body on Jan. 24th 1893, a petition praying that Lake Avenue be vacated from John Street to Mercer Street, which petition alleges as a reason for said vacation that Lake Avenue was diagonally to the streets already laid out in that district. Now, Therefore, we, the undersigned owners of property abutting on and adjacent to Lake Avenue, do hereby emphatically protest against the vacation of said Avenue, for the following reasons:-- 1.-- The avenue running as it does diagonally from the Bay to the Lake Union, instead of being a detriment, is in our opinion, a great public convenience as it affords the only direct route from the Bay to the Lake (as will be more readily seen by reference to the map of the City) and will, when graded, establish one of the finest drives in Seattle, The Avenue being eighty feet wide, of comparatively easy grade, and

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are tax-payers and residents along in the vicinity of Howell Street in the City of Seattle. That the said street is traveled a great deal being the principal street to the cemetery and Lake Union, but this same has been for the past few months past very muddy and almost impassable and is now very badly cut up. WHERETOFORE, your petitioners respectfully petition your Honorable Body to plank the said Howell Street on both sides of the street car track or if this is impractible at least on one side from Eighth Street to Depot Street and your petitioners will ever pray.

Trusten P. Dyer Dyer & Freed [mf'g?] Co P. E. Fisher L. M. Bennett C. C. [Flough] H.P. J. Hensen C. Geersten Orville Espy G. Bnymann V.A. Schuritz S. Co. Espy F. H. O. Shucy W. H. Harris B. B. Faust The Rainier Power & Railway Co. by D. Thos Dussey Manager E. F. Atwood L. W. Bonney G. H. Copland Geo. M. Stewart H.F. Compton H. O. Dutton L. S. Rowe F. G. Cady [Tbvs] Steuel W. Igries Ny S. W. Gillette J. M. Ryan George [Juisur] H. Ritter

Last edit about 5 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


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Seattle, Wash. May 19th 1891.

To the Honorable Mayor, House of Delegates and Board of Aldermen, of the City of Seattle.

We, your undersigned petitioners, citizens and taxpayers of said City of Seattle, residing on the East and North shores of Lake Union in said City, respectfully represent as follows, to-wit:

That the aforementioned districts are being rapidly improved and settled, and that as yet there have been no streets opened except by private parties: that the main streets and avenues of travel along and around the East shore of said Lake Union and to Latona and Brooklyn and the adjacent precincts are Lake Avenue, running through Doyle's, Hilton's and Frances' Additions, Yellow and Green Streets in Green's and the Denny-Fuhrman Additions: that between the North end of Lake Avenue and said Yellow Street there are two small strips of land owned by Samuel B. Carr and W. Perry Smith, respectively, neither of whom have platted their said lands or dedictated to the public for its use any of said lands as streets, but, to the contrary, have refused and still refuse to open or allow to be opened a street or streets across said lands. That it is necessary for our use and for the use of the public generally that the street be opened across said lands between the aforementioned points.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that your Honorable Body order a strip of land, not less than (60) sixty feet in width, condemned for the use and purposes of a public street across said pieces or parcels of land, owned by the said Samuel B. Carr and W. Perry Smith, and that said street be located parallel to and including the line of The Rainier Power and Railway Company's Right of Way or roadbed as the same is now located, and graded across the said tracts aforesaid, and your petitioners will every pray.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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