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228 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 15 1887 mercial Streets thence running north sixty (60) feet, thence commencing one hundred and twenty (120) feet north of the north line of Jackson Street to the south line of Main Street. Third, North side of Washington Street, commencing at the north east corner of Commercial and Washington Streets, thence east one hundred and twenty (120) feet. Recommendation adopted by the Council and the Chief of Police directed to notify property owners to immediately rebuild said sidewalks. Applications for Liquor Licenses Referred Drown & Rice, Henry Robbins & Deitz & Schnietztien Licenses ordered Issued J N Meyer Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Geo Meister Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Chas Norager Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st H Carson Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Wm Garrett Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Fred Scholpp Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Melhorn & Probst Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Thevote upon issuing said said licenses is as following, viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Against none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited by the Council and allowed are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as following viz: Names Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2386 City 177.50 Registrar E Edson 2387 City 75.00 Dep Clerk Purchasing Agent 2388 City 2.00 Posting notices etc Jas Bogart 2389 City 46.00 Board of Prisoners I H Page 2390 City 15.00 Board of Registration F A Twitchell 2391 City 15.00 Board of Registration [total]330.50

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




241 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 5 1887 From Street Commissioner, Referred to Street com. and returned approved and ordered filed. Report of City Justice H F Jones, referred to Finance Com. Report of City Justice N Soderberg, referred to Judiciary Com. Report of Custodian of Powder House, for May, June and July, read and ordered filed. Committee Reports received. From Street Committee as follows: "we your committee to whom was referred the application of R Scott for permission to relay the sidewalk on Fourth Street corner of Pine Street, beg leave t o report: That there is now a good sidewalk on the premises in question and recommend that Mr Scott be permitted to re-lay said walk under the supervision of the City Surveyor, and that he have the cost of said walk deducted from the assessment on said lot Lot 2 Block 22 A A Denny's Addn Your committee would further recommend that a new sidewalk be built on the South side of Pine Street running east from Third Street 120 feet to the alley and that an assessment district be formed from which to defray the expense of the Same" On motion the report is approved and adopted and the City Atty directed to draw an ordinance providing for such assessment district. From Chairman Lake ofsame committee submitting letter of Capt Chas F Powell regarding purchase of Light House Bell for No 4 Engine House, read and referred to com on Fire & Water. Licenses Ordered Issued. Drown & Rice Retail Intox 6 months from July 16, 1887 H M Duncan Retail Intox 6 months from July 16th, 1887 Henry Robbins Retail Intox 6 months from July 5th, 1887 Dietz & Schnitzlein Retail Intox 6 months from July 1st, 1887 The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows:

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




344 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Application for Licenses Referred Chas F O'Hara, A F Hill, E Champeux, Melhorn and Probst, Jas P Teigh, E C Slorah, A Slorah Maragret O'Shea, M McDonald, Vitus Schmidt The A P Hoteling Co, Charles Ross, Gumbert & Clinch Wm F Allen, Wm Gross and Son, John McCary Frank P Herman, Wm McMasters, Joe Francisco Lavendar Huey and Moon, Julius Wegert Henry Robbins, T J Armstrong, M & K Gottstein Jacob Bersch, E C Huntley, J W Smith, Geo Delfel Wm Waugh, John Preacher, O P Dahlquist Jno M Blanchard, Campbell and Co, Harry Haggenmaker Wm Garrett, Fred Scholpp, J H Foster, Shaw & Alger Davidson & Grubb, Nathan McNutt, Feigh & Miller E C Power and Co Bills Allowed The Following claims against the City have been duly audited and allowed and ordered paid by warrant drawn on the several funds as follows, To Wit: Name No Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2618 City 125.00 Salary as Clerk S W Ferris 2619 City 15.00 Salary as Dep L C Gilman 2620 City 100.00 Salary as City Atty E A Turner 2621 City 100.00 Salary as City Treas Laurence Cummings 2622 City 98.00 Salary as St Com'sr H F Jones 2623 City 40.60 Justice Fees Seattle Transfer Co 2624 City 2.50 Hauling Wounded Man Sunset Tel. Co 2625 City 6.00 Use of Telephone M A Kelly 2626 City 2.50 Medicine of Jail J W Jones 2627 City 6.00 Rubber Stamp E C McClanahan 2628 City 17.50 Damages to horse Harrington & Smith 2629 City 14.35 Supplies for Jail W H Hughes Prtg Co 2630 City 5.50 Printing G W Bruce 2631 City 4.20 Witness Fees [total] ?

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




509 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. JUN 19 1888 Fourth Ward. Polls to be held at Engine House No.4. Inspector J. R. Kinnear, Judges A. A. Bell & F. H. Harkins. Clerks W. G. Hughes & W. G. Latimer. Licenses Referred A. F Able, Wm Grase & Son, Mark Norton, Henry Robbins E. C. Huntley, Chas F. O'Hara Swanson & Anderson, Henry Robbins Co. Ordinances[right margin: 901 [/right margin] An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to widen and establish Second Street in the City of Seattle W. T. between Blanchard Street and Depot Street, and to provide for the condemnation of real estate necessary therefor" which is passed by the following vote, viz: In favor of the same Frink, Green, Niesz, Russell & Reitze. Against the same. None. [right margin] 902 [/right margin] An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance establishing the grade of Second Street between Eagle and Blanchard Streets" which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Frink, Green, Niesz, Russell & Reitze. Against the same none. [right margin] 903 [/right margin] An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance to provide for the grading of Second Street in the City of Seattle from Blanchard Street to Depot Street and constructing sidewalks on both sides of said Second Street" which is passed by the following vote, viz: In favor of the same: Frink, Green Niesz, Russell & Reitze. Against the same. None. [right margin] 904 [/right margin] An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance establishing the grade of Fifth Street in the City of Seattle between Seneca Street and Mill Street" which is passed by the following vote:

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




521 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jul 6 1888 mending that a sewer be put in Madison Street from 7th St to 12th St the same to be of 8 inch stone pipe. From Same Committee recommending that an 8 inch stone pipe sewer be put in on South Second Street between Main & Jackson Streets and connecting with the Main Street Sewer. Adopted. License Referred Seattle Hotel Company Licenses Ordered Issued. Joshua Prosser, Julius Wegert, J T Armstrong, Clancy & McMasters, Jensen & Kunst, Ahlby & Kriedel, Thompson & O'Hara, Shaw & Alger, Jno Brannan, O N Morse, J M Blanchard, Mark Norton, Wm Grose & Son, A F Able, Davidson and Grubb, Jo Francisco, Dietz and Meyer, Gumbert and Clinch, M Racine, A Slorah, E C Slorah, M McDonald W F Allen, E J Powers, Adolph Schander, Jacob Bersch, J W Smith, J H Foster, Oscar Johnson Fred Schoepp, Barnham and Carson, Oscar Johnson(2) Melhorn and Probst, Beede & Sinclair, J F McGrath, Henry Robbins, George Meister, John McCarey, Henry Robbins(2), H Haggenmaker, [L Diller]], A P Hoteling Co M & K Gottstein, Frank Heimen, Geo Delfel, James P Tighe, Charles Ross, Swanson and Anderson, Chas O'Hara and E C Huntley & Co, J T Armstrong, Julius Wegert & Co The vote upon issuing said licenses is a follows, to wit: In favor of the same Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell & Reitze. Against the same none. Bills allowed The following claims aginst the City having been duly audited and allowed are orderd paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows, viz:

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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