City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Corner Saloon


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240 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 Remonstrance of H L Yesler and others against grading Seventh Street from Madison Street to Mill Street read and laid on the table for the present and afterwards taken up and on motionthe same is rejected. Comunication from Herman Chapin stating that at a meeting of the property owners along the line of Second Street held July 21st there were chosen: to represent the property owners benefitted George Kinnear esq and to represent the owners of property condemned Francis J Burns esq; Also a communication from W V Rinehart appointing J R Lewis esq to act in his behalf; and also from Mrs Sara H Steves appointing A H Manning to act in her behalf are read: Thereupon His Honor the Mayor appoints Eben Smith esq, an appraiser, to act on behalf of the City; and the communications rec'd & ordered filed. Communication from [R H Thomson]] protesting against the change of grade on Mill Street read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Communication from W H Cowie withdrawing from the bond of Wm McMasters proprietor of the Corner Saloon read and referred to Committee on License & Revenue. Communication from W C Hill proposing to Settle grade and other taxes, read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Monthly Reports Rec'd From Chief of Police read and ordered filed. From City Treasurer read and referred to Finance Committee.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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