Pages That Mention H M Duncan
241 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 5 1887 From Street Commissioner, Referred to Street com. and returned approved and ordered filed. Report of City Justice H F Jones, referred to Finance Com. Report of City Justice N Soderberg, referred to Judiciary Com. Report of Custodian of Powder House, for May, June and July, read and ordered filed. Committee Reports received. From Street Committee as follows: "we your committee to whom was referred the application of R Scott for permission to relay the sidewalk on Fourth Street corner of Pine Street, beg leave t o report: That there is now a good sidewalk on the premises in question and recommend that Mr Scott be permitted to re-lay said walk under the supervision of the City Surveyor, and that he have the cost of said walk deducted from the assessment on said lot Lot 2 Block 22 A A Denny's Addn Your committee would further recommend that a new sidewalk be built on the South side of Pine Street running east from Third Street 120 feet to the alley and that an assessment district be formed from which to defray the expense of the Same" On motion the report is approved and adopted and the City Atty directed to draw an ordinance providing for such assessment district. From Chairman Lake ofsame committee submitting letter of Capt Chas F Powell regarding purchase of Light House Bell for No 4 Engine House, read and referred to com on Fire & Water. Licenses Ordered Issued. Drown & Rice Retail Intox 6 months from July 16, 1887 H M Duncan Retail Intox 6 months from July 16th, 1887 Henry Robbins Retail Intox 6 months from July 5th, 1887 Dietz & Schnitzlein Retail Intox 6 months from July 1st, 1887 The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows: