Pages That Mention H H Dearborn
264 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 12 1887 Ordered that Lot 7 Block 5 McNaught's 3rd Addn be assessed to John Norwood and Lot 8 Block 5 McNaught's 3rd Addn to Charles Johnson and both stricken from H H Dearborns list. Also assess Lot 7 Block 6 McNaught's 3rd Addn to S S Shedd and strike same for H H Dearborns list. & Correct double assessment of same. Also assess Lot 6 Block 6 McNaught's 3rd Addn to S S Shedd the same having been omitted by the assessor. Ordered that Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Block 18 Dearborn's Addn to Plummers Be assessed to H H Dearborn having been omitted by the assessor. Ordered that Lot 26 block 28 Northern Addition and Lot 20 Block 30 Kidd's Add'n be assessed to H H Dearborn the same having been left off the roll by the assessor. Ordered that Lot 16 Block 12 McAllen's 2nd Add'n be assessed to E A Bridges omitted by assessor. Ordered that 1/6 of Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, Block 2 J C Kinnear's Add'n be assessed to A A Coburn left off by asessor. Ordered that the Western Union Telegraph Co be reduced on personal property from $5327 to $1000. Ordered that Frac. Block Y Bell's 4th Addn and Lots 1 & 2 Block 17 Denny's Ex to Bell and Denny be assessed to D Rohlfs and strike same from W N Bells assessment. And add $600 improvements on lot 1 above.
609 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 21 1888 Petition of Thomas R Hughes and others for the opening and grading of the Alley in Block 6 of D S Maynard's plat read and referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of A A Denny for a sewer in Block 24 of A A Denny's Plat to connect with Union Street sewer read and referred to the Com on Sewers & Drainage. Petition of G H Beede for permission to stretch a canvas sign across Front Street between Marion & Columbia Streets opposite the Palace Restaurant read and on motion tabled. Communication from the City Surveyor submitting revised grade for Bluff Street read and approved and the City Atty directed to draw and submit an ordinance in conformity therewith. Communications from City Surveyor recommending slight change of grade on Wall Street corner of Fourth Street; Also recommending change of grade from 60 feet to 62 feet on Harrison Street at the East Side of Light Street Read and City Surveyor instructed to make the necessary changes suggested. Petition of John Christ in regard to filling in Lot 8 Block 20 Maynard's Plat read & referred to Street Com. Petition of H H Dearborn and others for the widening of Commercial Street from Mill Street to Charles Street tow width of 86 feet read and referred to the Street Committee Petition of P & J M Quigley for permission to blast earth