City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention M R Galloway




287 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 2 1887 Contractor to remove them. Communication from Justice H F Jones suggesting change of plan in keeping record of arrests and commitments; read and referred to Com on Health & Police. Communicaton from Justice H F Jones in regard to witness fees paid Police Officers, stating that he has paid such fees to the Police Officers as he considers the ordinance requiring them to be paid to the city instead. Communication from Mrs E S Ingraham asking for the return of certain moneys paid the City for tax cetificates, read and referred to City Attorney. Communication from the Street Commissioner calling the attention of the Council to sidewalks that should be condemned, read and referred to the Street Committee. Communication from W K Davis in behalf of owners of property condemned on Republican & Natches Streets (Ordinances 858 & 859) stating that they had appointed M R Galloway to act in their behalf as appraiser, read and ordered filed. Petitionof J W Edwards & others to open Filbert St read and granted. Resignation of Patrick Farraher from Police force read and on motion accepted. Communication from James McDonald complaining of treatment in City Jail, read and on motion referred to Committee on Health and Police.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




329 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 4 1887 to private property that such parties deposit with the City Clerk that sum of Twenty (20) dollars to be retained by the City until the sidewalk or street is replaced in as good condition as found & not to be refunded except on the written order of the Street Commissioner. Ordered that a tax of thirty eight (38) cents on each and every dollar of the assessed valuation of all the property included within the Assessment district created by Ordinance No 815, be and the same hereby is levied on said property for the purpose of paying for the property condemned by said ordinance No 815 and for condemnation proceedings. It having been suggested to the Council that the appraisers heretofore appointed to assess the damages and benefits accruing by reason of the Expansion of Natches and Republican Streets under Ordinance No 559 have failed to qualify, and that M R Maddocks, one of the appraisers had left the City for an indefinate period, on motion His Honor the Mayor appointed Harold Preston to act as such appraiser on behalf or the city, M R Galloway on behalf of the owners of property condemned and L B Andrews on behalf of the owners of property benefitted. On motion the plat of James Addition to the City of Seattle is rejected for the reason that the same is principally in patented land outside of the meander line. Also because the notary public before whom the asknowledgement was taken failed to offer his official seal, and the separate acknowledgement of the wife is not taken. On motion the plat of the D M Crane addition

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




357 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 16 1887 at the corner of Eighth and Dearborn Streets bids for the completion of Madison Street Wilson and Godfrey $7000. Emmons and McClanahan $6120. Parker & Orr $6395.45 W N White $5500. Ryan & Quigley $5900. Matt Branagan $5299. On motion of Councilman Reitze the bid of Matt Branagan is not recieved or considered, not having been filed within the time specified in the advertisement calling for bids. On motionof Councilman Lake the bid of W N White is accepted and the usual contract ordered drawn upon the said W N White filing a bond inthe sum of $200.00 The appriasers heretofore appointed to act in the matter of Republican and Natches Streets not having qualified, it is ordered the M R Galloway having been hereto fore appointed to act on behalf of the owners of propertyy condemned, is reappointed to act in their behalf. On motion of Councilman Lake, L B Andrews is appointed by council to act in behalf of owners of property beneficial and the Acting Mayor appoints David T Denny an appraiser to act in behalf of City Ordinances An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance extending the time for the completion of tthe Madison Street improvement." Ayes Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz Russell & Rietze

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




449 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 20 1888 Ordered that the bill of the Chief of Police for boarding prisoners and the matter of boarding prisoners in the City Jail be referred to the Committee on Health and Police. Marion Street Wharf The City surveyor submits plans and specifications for Marion Street Wharf and the same are approved and the Clerk directed to advertise for bids for the construction of the same. Republican & Natches Streets The appraisers heretofore appointed to act in the matter or the opening and extension of Natches and Republican Streets having met and duly qualified, and having adjourned to await the making of certain surveys by the City Surveyor and the legal time for the making of a report having expired; On motion of Councilman Lake it is ordered that said appraisers be and thay are hereby reappointed such appraiser as follows: M R Galloway having heretofore been apointed to act as such appraiser on behalf of the owners of property condemned is re-appointed to act in their behalf; and L B Andrews having heretofore been appointed to act as such appraiser on behalf of the owners of property benefitted is re-appointed to act in their behalf. Whereupon his Honor the Mayor reappoints Geo Kinnear to act as such appraiser on behalf of the City of Seattle. Ordinances 921 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance establishing the grade of Roy Street in the City of Seattle between Temperance Street and Light Street which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Nietsz, Russell & Reitze Against the same none. 922 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance establishing the grade of Banner Street in the City of Seattle between Roy Street and High Street

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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