City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Z T Holden




298 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 16 1887 Petition of J B Metcalfe & others for grading and laying sidewalk on South Eleventh Street from Mill Street to Jackson Street read & Granted. Petitionof C H Kittinger Toklas & Singerman & others to convert the Cemetary known as Washelli Cemetary into a Public Park. Read and Granted and the City Attorney instructed to draw and submit the necessary ordinance. Petition of F W Wald & others for appointment of Z T Holden a policeman, read & referred to the Committee on Health & Police. Committee Retportsetc. Report of Justice N Soderberg for month of Aug. referred to Finance Committee. Report of City Clerk submitting Alphabetical list of names of All Streets in the City Referred to Street Committee. Committe Reports Recd From Finance committee on report of City Justice H F Jones & Jailor's reports as follows "we beg to report the additions on the reports are correct. In this connection we wish to state that in future your committee will be in a position to examine the reports and compare them with the police records properly, noting the time all arrests are made as well as the time when prisoners are discharged", adopted. From Street Committee granting the petition of F W Wald & others for opening the alley in Block 30 Maynard's Plat so as to make it passable for teams. Adopted.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




340 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 18 1887 On motion ordered that the proposition made by the Stetson & Post Mill Company for furnishing lumber to the City be accepted. Ordered that the matter of the laborers on Madison Street grade be referred to the City Attorney with power to act. Ordered that the council do now adjourn Approved Thomas T Minor, mayor Attest W R Forrest CLerk. Dec 2 1887 Be it remembered that on this 2nd day of December 1887 the Common Council of the Cityof Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: Mayor Thos T Minor and Councilmen J Furth, Jos Green, T W Lake, Robt Moran, U R Niesz & C F Reitze & W R Forrest, clerk. Petitions etc rec'd Petition of Z T Holden & Others for opening Willow Street between Depot & Thomas Streets and putting in a draining ditch, read & referred to Street Com. Petition of John Lavender for permission to put up a two story wooden building on the South Side of Washington Street between second & third streets, read and granted. Petition of F E Sander & Others for the opening & planking of Alley in Block 10 Maynard's Plat read & referred to the Street Committee. Petition of F E Sander & Others from permission to erect a wooden building on Lot 1 Block 10

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




340 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 18 1887 On motion ordered that the proposition made by the Stetson & Post Mill Company for furnishing lumber to the City be accepted. Ordered that the matter of the laborers on Madison Street grade be referred to the City Attorney with power to act. Ordered that the council do now adjourn Approved Thomas T Minor, mayor Attest W R Forrest CLerk. Dec 2 1887 Be it remembered that on this 2nd day of December 1887 the Common Council of the Cityof Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: Mayor Thos T Minor and Councilmen J Furth, Jos Green, T W Lake, Robt Moran, U R Niesz & C F Reitze & W R Forrest, clerk. Petitions etc rec'd Petition of Z T Holden & Others for opening Willow Street between Depot & Thomas Streets and putting in a draining ditch, read & referred to Street Com. Petition of John Lavender for permission to put up a two story wooden building on the South Side of Washington Street between second & third streets, read and granted. Petition of F E Sander & Others for the opening & planking of Alley in Block 10 Maynard's Plat read & referred to the Street Committee. Petition of F E Sander & Others from permission to erect a wooden building on Lot 1 Block 10

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




383 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Feb 8 1888 Name No of Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2728 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk E A Turner 2729 City 100.00 Salary City Treasr L C Gilman 2730 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L Cummings 2731 City 98.00 Salary Street Commissioner Dr E L Smith 2732 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer James Bogart 2733 City 60.00 Salary Jailor James Bogart 2733 City 186.80 Board of Prisoners Wm Murphy 2734 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police A H Manning 2735 City 90.00 Salary Captn of Police O A Butterfield 2736 City 75.00 Salary Policeman Wm Jones 2737 City 75.00 Salary Policeman W L Bowers 2738 City 75.00 Salary Policeman W H Lord 2739 City 75.00 Salary Policeman Geo Van Dyke 2740 City 75.00 Salary Policeman D P Phillips 2741 City 75.00 Salary Policeman D R Huntoon 2742 City 75.00 Salary Policeman H A Bigelow 2743 City 75.00 Salary Policeman D H Webster 2744 City 75.00 Salary Policeman F A Fay 2745 City 75.00 Salary Policeman J L McClellan 2746 City 75.00 Salary Policeman Chas Robinson 2747 City 75.00 Salary Policeman E Dial 2748 City 75.00 Salary SplPoliceman James Miles 2749 City 75.00 Salary Spl Policeman J H Woolery 2750 City 39.00 Salary Spl Capt Policeman G W Palmer 2751 City 29.25 Salary Spl Policeman E Wyman 2752 City 24.25 Salary Spl Policeman J W Frizzell 2753 City 12.50 Salary Spl Policeman Pat Farraher 2754 City 29.25 Salary Spl Policeman Z T Holden 2755 City 29.25 Salary Spl Policeman T H Kendall 2756 City 29.25 Salary Spl Policeman D Frank Willard 2757 City 29.25 Salary Spl Policeman Peter Brunn 2758 City 5.00 Salary Spl Policeman Jno L Mears 2759 City 2.50 Salary Spl Policeman Campbell Comerup 2760 City 2.50 Salary Spl Policeman Jesse Reed 2761 City 2.50 Salary Spl Policeman

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




401 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Mar 2 1888 Name No. Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2813 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk C W Ferris 2814 City 21.00 Salary Deputy City Clerk L C Gilman 2815 City 103.50 Salary City Atty etc E A Turner 2816 City 100.00 Salary City Treasr L Cummings 2817 City 125.00 Salary Street Commissioner Sam'l A Hoyt 2818 City 75.00 Salary Harbor Master James Bogart 2819 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2819 City 166.60 Boarding Prisoners Wm Murphy 2820 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police A. H. Manning 2821 City 90.00 Salary Captain of Police H. A. Bigelow 2822 City 75.00 Salary Policeman O. D. Butterfield 2823 City 75.00 Salary Policeman W. H Lord 2824 City 75.00 Salary Policeman W L Bowers 2825 City 75.00 Salary Policeman Geo Van Dyke 2826 City 75.00 Salary Policeman J L McClellan 2827 City 75.00 Salary Policeman C Robinson 2828 City 75.00 Salary Policeman E Deal 2829 City 75.00 Salary Policeman Fred A Fay 2830 City 75.00 Salary Policeman D H Webster 2831 City 75.00 Salary Policeman D R Huntoon 2832 City 75.00 Salary Policeman D Phillips 2833 City 75.00 Salary Policeman J H Woolery 2834 City 90.00 Salary Spl Captain Police G W Palmer 2835 City 75.75 Salary Sp'l Policeman E Wyman 2836 City 75.75 Salary Sp'l Policeman Pat Farraher 2837 City 75.75 Salary Sp'l Policeman Z T Holden 2838 City 75.75 Salary Sp'l Policeman T H Kendall 2839 City 75.75 Salary Sp'l Policeman D Frank Wilson 2840 City 75.75 Salary Sp'l Policeman Wm. Murphy 2841 City 22.75 Cash paid out for teleghg. & other expenses N. Soderberg 2842 City 46.00 Justice fees H F Jones 2843 City 48.85 Justice Fees John Caldwell 2844 City 4.40 witness fees Jones Court James Bogart 2845 City 2.20 witness fees Jones' Court Edward Briggs 2846 City 2.20 witness Fees Soderberg's Court

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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