Pages That Mention Madison Street Addition to the City of Seattle
299 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 16 1887 From same Committee granting petition of John Wickland & Others for a box drain Corner Sixth and Pine Streets Adopted. From Same Committee on Communication of Street Commissioner in regard to defective sidewalks as follows: "We recommend that the following portions of sidewalks be condemned and new sidewalks ordered built: On the North side of Cherry Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets; On north side of Marion Street between Fourth & Fifth Streets; & on West side of Front Street between Pike and Union Streets From Committee on Fire &Water on report of Chief of the Fire Department, recommending that the city appropriate $250. for the purpose of sending a hose team to the Spokane Fireman's Tournament. Adopted. From City Attorney recommending that a quit claim deed be given by the City to Charle Hart for Lot 4 Block 20 in Bell & Denny's Plat, Also that the claim of G W Crane for $50.96 account 'tax certificates issued on double assessments be paid. Also that Myra C Ingraham's claim of $38.61 for same cause be paid. Adopted. From City Attorney on Communication of Justice H F Jones in regard to officer's fees. Ordered filed and Councilman Furth gives notice that at the next meeting of the Council he will move to increase the salaries of Police Officers. New Plats Plat of Madison Street Addition to the City of Seattle and James Addition to the City of Seattle referred to City Surveyor.
330 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 4 1887 to the City of Seattle is rejected for the reason that the same is neither signed nor acknowledged. Ordered that the Plat of Madison Street addition to the City of Seattle be rejected. Ordered that the plat of Bell's Seventh Addition to the City of Seattle and the Supplemental Plat of Block 27 the Bell and Denny's first Addititoin to the City of Seattle be referred to the City Attorney. Ordered that the proposition fo the County commissioner made to Councilman Lake in regard to building a pest house on the County Poor Farm be accepted and CouncilmanLake appointed a Committee of one to attend to the matter and report to the Council. The Plans and Specifications of Bell Street Improvement submitted by the City Surveyor are referred to the Street Committee with power ot act. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the city Attorney entitled "An Ordinance converting Washelli Cemetary in the City of Seattle into a public Park and providing for the removal of bodies of persons buried therein and for the purchase by the City of the burial lots therein owned by private persons" which after due consideration by the Council is passed by the following vote viz: Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz, Russell & Reitze Nays None. An Ordinance is submitted by the city Attorney entitled "An Ordinance authorizing and empowering
338 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 18 1887 provided the same is constructed according to the provisions of Ordinance No 833. Adopted From Same Committee granting petition of Ida J McGinnis for permissionto repair certain wooden building provided such repairs are made in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No 833. Adopted. Licenses Ordered Issued. Thomas R Hughes retail liquor 6 months Mason & Cort retail liquor 6 months Andrew Lunn retail liquor 6 months John H Norens retail liquor 6 months Anderson & Cresno retail malt 6 months The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows: Ayes Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz, Russell & Reitze. Nays none. Licenses Referred Geo C Munroe & Co, & Frank W Clancy Plats Approved Ordered that the Plat of Madison Street Addition to the City of Seattle and Plat of Hall's Addition to the City of Seattle Be approved. Fourth Street Tax Levy Ordered that a tax of two hundred twenty six (226) mills on each and every dollar of the assessed valuation of all the property included within the assessment district created by Ordinance No 836, be and the same hereby is levied on said property for the purpose of paying for the improvement of Fourth Street from Union Street to Bell Street in the City of Seattle