Pages That Mention W H Lord
300 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 16 1887 Applications for Licenses Referred Alex Meister and Duffy & Begley Licenses Ordered Issued E C Slorah & Co Retail Intox 6 months from Sept 3rd. Cole & Pratt Retail Intox 6 months from Sept 3rd. The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows: to wit: Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz]], Russell & Reitze Nays none. Miscellaneous Ordered that -Fouts be permitted to erect a Fruit Stand on Corner of James & Front Street Provided the chairman of the Street Committee after examination approved of the same. Ordered that J W George be permitted to put in a wooden sewer along South Third St from Main St to the Bay. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atty entitled "An [ordinance] to establish the Grade of Pike Street" which is passed by the following vote In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz]], Russell & Reitze Against none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atty entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the Seattle Cable road and Water Company it successors or assigns, to construct, operate and maintain a street Reailroad in the City of Seattle" which after due consideration by theCouncil is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz]], Russell and Reitze Against the same none. Police Officers Elected The council now proceeds to elect four Police officers and the following named persons are duly elected as such viz: D R Hunton, D H Webster, W H Lord and H A Bigelow.
307 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 7 1887 [total]22.60 D H Webster 2537 City 30.33 Salary Police Officer W H Lord 2538 City 30.33 Salary Police Officer James Miles 2539 City 4.30 Salary Police Officer J D Duncan 2540 City 4.30 Salary Police Officer Fred Voigt 2541 City 2.15 Salary Police Officer E Dial 2542 City 10.80 Salary Police Officer J W Hunt 2543 City 2.15 Salary Police Officer J W Hunt 2543 City 22.50 Salary Spl Police Officer Alex McCaskell 2544 City 22.50 Salary Spl Police Officer M H O'Connor 2545 City 17.50 Salary Spl Police Officer John Brown 2546 City 2.50 Salary Spl Police Officer J L McDaniel 2547 City 2.15 Salary Spl Police Officer H F Jones 2548 City 22.50 Justice Fees N Soderberg 2549 City 42.70 Justice Fees N Soderberg 2549 City 59.45 Justice Fees Cora Cogill 2550 City 2.20 Witness Fees R Russell 2551 City 63.00 Care of Angeline Lowman & Hanford 2552 City 231.00 Printing Reports Etc Oregon Impt Co 2553 City 12.00 Coal Sunset Telephone Co 2554 City 5.90 Telephone Service for Octo Harrington & Smith 2555 City 2.50 Soap etc for Jail Chas McDonald 2556 City 16.50 Iron Shutters For Jail G W Crane 2557 City 50.96 Taxes Refunded W H Hughes Printing Co 2558 City 6.00 Printing Blanks Mrs Myra C Ingraham 2559 City 38.61 Taxes Refunded M A Kelly 2560 City 15.50 Medicine for prisoners F S Curtis 2561 City 125.00 Rebate on License Wm Murphy 2562 City 7.25 Cash Paid for removing carrion etc H Argens 2563 City 11.25 Lock & Keys for Jail Z C Miles 2564 City 1.00 Gas Globe W H Hughes 2565 City 10.00 Furnishing list of streets F Anthony 2566 City 35.00 Delinquent Ass't Roll & Binding B B Dearborn 2567 City 5.50 Printing Letterheads Hughes & Whittlesly 2568 City 1040.00 Correcting Assesst Roll M S Bettencourt 2569 City 2.75 Ice for COuncil Hall & Galloway 2570 City 2.88 Milk for Angeline [total]2007.61
311 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 7 1887 J M Frink, Jos Green, T W Lake, R Moran, U R Neisz, R Russell Noes C F Reitze Police Force Discharges On motion of councilman Furth Police Captain A H Manning and Police Officers J L McClellan, Geo Van Dyke, W L Bowers, Chas Robinson, W M Jones. F A Fay, D Phillips, O D Butterfield, H A Bigelow, D R Huntoon, S H Webster and W H Lord are discharged from the police force and their positions declared vacant. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance relating to the Police Force and defining the powers and duties and fixing the compensation of certain officers of the Police Department " which is passed by the following vote, viz: In favor of same J Furth J M Frink, Jos Green, T W Lake, R Moran, U R Neisz, R Russell and C F Reitze. Noes none. Police Force Re-Elected The Council now proceeds to elect on Captain of Police and twelve(12) policemen. Councilman Furth nominates A H Manning for Captain of Police and J L McClellan, Geo Van Dyke, W L Bowers, Charles Robinson, W M Jones. F A Fay, D Phillips, O D Butterfield, H A Bigelow, D R Huntoon, S H Webster and W H Lord for police officers of the City of Seattle; no other nomination being made, the clerk is requested to cast the ballots of the Council of said officers and they are duly delared elected. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a quit claim deed" which is passed by the following vote, Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell and Reitze. Noes none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled
325 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 4 1887 E A Turner 2580 City 100.00 Salary City Treasr' James Bogart 2581 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2581 City 115.00 Board of prisoners Wm Murphy 2582 City 1.75 Cash paid for hauling Drunk Wm Murphy 2582 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police A H Manning 2583 City 87.69 Salary Captain of Police H A Bigelow 2584 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D R Huntoon 2585 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D H Webster 2586 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W H Lord 2587 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2588 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer Geo Van Dyke 2589 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W L Bowers 2590 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer Chas Robinson 2591 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W M Jones 2592 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer F A Fay 2593 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D Phillips 2594 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2595 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2595 City 1.75 Cash pd for beef tea & milk A H Manning 2596 City 1.75 Cash Pd for sick pauper Seattle Transfer Co 2597 City 6.00 Transfer of sick N Soderberg 2698 City 30.80 Justice Fees H F Jones 2699 City 60.15 Justice Fees J Caldwell 2600 City 2.20 Witness Fees R Curry 2601 City 2.20 Witness Fees J McDermott 2602 City 2.20 Witness Fees Henry Lyman 2603 City 2.20 Witness Fees J Richardson 2604 City 2.20 Witness Fees Geo Washington 2605 City 2.20 Witness Fees R Graham 2606 City 8.80 Witness 9 Fees J Brannan 2607 City 8.80 Witness 17 Fees W B Spencer 2608 City 2.20 Witness Fees D Ferguson 2609 City 2.20 Witness Fees Lawrence & Hanford 2610 City 18.50 Printing Blanks Sunset Telephone Co 2611 City 5.90 Telephone Services Nov Cedar River Coal Co 2612 City 8.40 Coal for City Hall & Jail
345 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE N Soderberg 2632 City 42.05 Salary as Clerk M A Kelly 2633 City 8.75 Medicine Neisz Whittleey & Co 2634 City 16.00 List of Owners on Rollin St William Murphy 2635 City 100.00 Chief of Police A H Manning 2636 City 90.00 Captain of Police H A Bigelow 2637 City 75.00 Police Officer O D Butterfield 2638 City 75.00 Police Officer D R Huntoon 2639 City 75.00 Police Officer W H Lord 2640 City 75.00 Police Officer J L McLellan 2641 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Van Dyke 2642 City 75.00 Police Officer W L Bowers 2643 City 75.00 Police Officer W Jones 2644 City 75.00 Police Officer Chas Robinson 2645 City 75.00 Police Officer F A Fay 2646 City 75.00 Police Officer D Phillips 2647 City 75.00 Police Officer D H Webster 2648 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Sheehan 2649 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Perkins 2650 City 75.00 Police Officer James Murphy 2651 City 2.50 Police Officer E Deal 2652 City 52.50 Police Officer Lowman & Hanford 2653 City 12.00 Printing Robt Russell 2654 City 57.00 Care of Angeline J C Grass 2655 City 2.50 Ext tooth for prisoner H L Carlton 2656 City 125.00 Rebate on license H Argens 2657 City 1.45 Latch Key etc James Bogart 2658 City 60.00 Salary as Jailor James Bogart 2658 City 101.00 Feeding prisoners J A Capp 2659 City 11.00 Amt refunded on Sale of impounded horse. Geo Halt 2660 City 6.60 Witness Fees Jones E Williams 2661 City 2.20 Witness Fees Jones J M Williams 2662 City 2.20 Witness Fees Jones Albro Gardner 2663 City 55.13 Columbia St Sewer Albro Gardner 2663 City 37.25 Pike St Sewer Albro Gardner 2663 City 75.50 Rollin Street