Pages That Mention Seattle Transfer Co
325 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 4 1887 E A Turner 2580 City 100.00 Salary City Treasr' James Bogart 2581 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2581 City 115.00 Board of prisoners Wm Murphy 2582 City 1.75 Cash paid for hauling Drunk Wm Murphy 2582 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police A H Manning 2583 City 87.69 Salary Captain of Police H A Bigelow 2584 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D R Huntoon 2585 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D H Webster 2586 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W H Lord 2587 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2588 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer Geo Van Dyke 2589 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W L Bowers 2590 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer Chas Robinson 2591 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W M Jones 2592 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer F A Fay 2593 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D Phillips 2594 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2595 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2595 City 1.75 Cash pd for beef tea & milk A H Manning 2596 City 1.75 Cash Pd for sick pauper Seattle Transfer Co 2597 City 6.00 Transfer of sick N Soderberg 2698 City 30.80 Justice Fees H F Jones 2699 City 60.15 Justice Fees J Caldwell 2600 City 2.20 Witness Fees R Curry 2601 City 2.20 Witness Fees J McDermott 2602 City 2.20 Witness Fees Henry Lyman 2603 City 2.20 Witness Fees J Richardson 2604 City 2.20 Witness Fees Geo Washington 2605 City 2.20 Witness Fees R Graham 2606 City 8.80 Witness 9 Fees J Brannan 2607 City 8.80 Witness 17 Fees W B Spencer 2608 City 2.20 Witness Fees D Ferguson 2609 City 2.20 Witness Fees Lawrence & Hanford 2610 City 18.50 Printing Blanks Sunset Telephone Co 2611 City 5.90 Telephone Services Nov Cedar River Coal Co 2612 City 8.40 Coal for City Hall & Jail
335 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 18 1887 Harbor Master read & referred to Committee on Harbor & Wharves.- Petition fo P G Burgamane for permission to build a small fish stand on West side of Front Street & Just within the fire limits read & Referred to Committee of Fire & Water with power to act. Petition of N Armstrong & Co for permission to build a fifteen foot extension to the Seattle Transfer Co's stables on Second Street read and granted. Petition of E P Buck & others for a street light corner of Second & Blanchard Streets read & referred to Committee on Street Lights, Petition of the Seattle Turn Verein for the repair of sidewalk on Jefferson Street, read & Referred to the Street Committee with power to act. Petition of L V Schnyder & Others for permission to build a two story wooden building 60x80 feet on South East corner of Washington and Second Street]]s read & Granted. Petition of Seattle Warehouse Co & Others for extension of Spring Street by an incline read & Referred to the Committee on Streets. The Mayor being called away calls Councilman Furth to the Chair.
344 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Application for Licenses Referred Chas F O'Hara, A F Hill, E Champeux, Melhorn and Probst, Jas P Teigh, E C Slorah, A Slorah Maragret O'Shea, M McDonald, Vitus Schmidt The A P Hoteling Co, Charles Ross, Gumbert & Clinch Wm F Allen, Wm Gross and Son, John McCary Frank P Herman, Wm McMasters, Joe Francisco Lavendar Huey and Moon, Julius Wegert Henry Robbins, T J Armstrong, M & K Gottstein Jacob Bersch, E C Huntley, J W Smith, Geo Delfel Wm Waugh, John Preacher, O P Dahlquist Jno M Blanchard, Campbell and Co, Harry Haggenmaker Wm Garrett, Fred Scholpp, J H Foster, Shaw & Alger Davidson & Grubb, Nathan McNutt, Feigh & Miller E C Power and Co Bills Allowed The Following claims against the City have been duly audited and allowed and ordered paid by warrant drawn on the several funds as follows, To Wit: Name No Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2618 City 125.00 Salary as Clerk S W Ferris 2619 City 15.00 Salary as Dep L C Gilman 2620 City 100.00 Salary as City Atty E A Turner 2621 City 100.00 Salary as City Treas Laurence Cummings 2622 City 98.00 Salary as St Com'sr H F Jones 2623 City 40.60 Justice Fees Seattle Transfer Co 2624 City 2.50 Hauling Wounded Man Sunset Tel. Co 2625 City 6.00 Use of Telephone M A Kelly 2626 City 2.50 Medicine of Jail J W Jones 2627 City 6.00 Rubber Stamp E C McClanahan 2628 City 17.50 Damages to horse Harrington & Smith 2629 City 14.35 Supplies for Jail W H Hughes Prtg Co 2630 City 5.50 Printing G W Bruce 2631 City 4.20 Witness Fees [total] ?
365 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Fred A Fay 2683 City 75.00 Salary Policeman J L McClellan 2684 City 75.00 Salary Policeman Chas Robinson 2685 City 75.00 Salary Policeman N Soderberg 2686 City 27.90 Justice fees H F Jones 2687 City 56.50 Justice fees Jesse F Cochrane 2688 City 15.00 Signs for Jackson St Bridge $5.00 J M Williams Numbers for Vehicles $10.00 M O MacKinson 2689 City 2.20 Witness fees G Kellogg 2690 City 2.20 Witness fees Wm Noakes 2691 City 2.20 Witness fees Patsy Carroll 2692 City 2.20 Witness fees Press Pub Co 2693 City 30.60 Witness fees Calvert & Reeves 2694 City 32.00 Painting Roof City Hall Seattle Transfer Co 2695 City 2.50 Hack Hire Lowman & Hanford 2696 City 17.50 Printing Otto Fuhrman 2697 City 125.00 Rebate on License Sunset Telephone Co 2698 City 6.00 Telephone Service Jany Oregon Impt Co 2699 City 6.00 Coal J W Langston 2700 City 1.00 Hack Hire Providence hospital 2701 City 7.50 Care For Sick Man B B Freed 2702 City 22.00 Hauling Lumber for Pest House M A Kelly 2703 City 44.25 Medicines for Pest House Golden Rule Bazaar 2704 City 6.55 Buckets Lamps & Clock for Pest Hse Haines & McMicken 2705 City 365.00 Boat House for Pest House H Herschberg 2706 City 2.50 Rubber Coat for Pest House H E Levy 2707 City 19.15 Dishes etc for Pest House Frauenthal Bros 2708 City 36.65 Blankets & Clothing for Pest Hse O W Lynch & Co 2709 City 11.75 Mattresses & Pillows for Pest Hse A Douglas 2710 City 40.75 Stoves & Furniture for Pest House J W Dodson 2711 City 25.00 Services in removing Pest House Haley & Wright 2712 City 62.46 Provisions for Pest House Steamer Bee 2713 City 40.00 Towing for Pest House G L Manning 2714 City 71.25 Furniture for Pest House Steamer Violet 2715 City 30.00 Towing for Pest House Tracy &Burns 2716 City 8.00 Hauling Lumber for Pest House Luke Hall 2717 City 8.00 Hauling Lumber for Pest House Seattle Lumber & C Co2718 City 448.36 Lumber for Pest House
384 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 8 1888 Lowman & Hanford 2762 City 21.00 Printing Blanks etc Harrington & Smith 2763 City 6.50 Soap Brushes etc H Argens 2764 City 2.45 key & Padlock & Work H Argens 2764 City 2.25 3 Jail Keys Sunset Telephone Co 2765 City 6.00 Telephone Service Feby Young Bros 2766 City 2.00 Galv Iron under Jail Stove Young Bros 2766 City 3.25 Repairs at jail & City Hall Jno Langston 2767 City 2.00 Hack Hire Minor & Dawson 2768 City 5.00 Attendance on Peter McIntyre Lake Union Fur Co 2769 City 19.50 Straw Beds for Jail John Lick 2770 City 350.00 New [?] on City Hall L Neuman 2771 City .85 Sharpening Saaw etc Gallagher & Grunkranz 2772 City 1.25 Can Coal Oil for Pest House Kline & Rosenberg 2773 City 4.50 Rubber Coat for Pest House Seattle Transfer Co 2774 City 5.00 Conveying Small Pox Patient J Caldwell 2775 City 15.40 Witness for Jones Court F Bogen 2776 City 4.40 Witness for Jones Court F Shawe 2777 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court Jos Trimble 2778 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court Geo Parks 2779 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court Geo F Raymond 2780 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court W H Frink 2781 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court H F Jones 2782 City 84.20 Justice Fees N Soderberg 2783 City 57.05 Justice Fees L M Lombon 2784 City 2.20 Witness for Soderberg Court Mrs Mary Thorndyke 2785 City 2.20 Witness for Soderberg Court Mrs Mary Court 2786 City 2.20 Witness for Soderberg Court Wm Murphy 2787 City 8.50 Cash Paid out Saul A Hoyt 2788 City 62.50 Salary Harbor Master O W Lynch & Co 2789 City 16.00 Mattresses & Pillows Northwest Fruit Co 2790 City 19.30 Fruit for Pest House Hamilton & McGrew 2791 City 17.20 Milk for Pest House Haley & Wright 2792 City 83.98 Provisions for Pest House Oregon Impt Co 2793 City 6.85 Coal W H Pumphrey 2794 City 40.30 Stationary Black Diamond Coal Co 2795 City 41.11 Coal