Pages That Mention Patsy Carroll
365 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Fred A Fay 2683 City 75.00 Salary Policeman J L McClellan 2684 City 75.00 Salary Policeman Chas Robinson 2685 City 75.00 Salary Policeman N Soderberg 2686 City 27.90 Justice fees H F Jones 2687 City 56.50 Justice fees Jesse F Cochrane 2688 City 15.00 Signs for Jackson St Bridge $5.00 J M Williams Numbers for Vehicles $10.00 M O MacKinson 2689 City 2.20 Witness fees G Kellogg 2690 City 2.20 Witness fees Wm Noakes 2691 City 2.20 Witness fees Patsy Carroll 2692 City 2.20 Witness fees Press Pub Co 2693 City 30.60 Witness fees Calvert & Reeves 2694 City 32.00 Painting Roof City Hall Seattle Transfer Co 2695 City 2.50 Hack Hire Lowman & Hanford 2696 City 17.50 Printing Otto Fuhrman 2697 City 125.00 Rebate on License Sunset Telephone Co 2698 City 6.00 Telephone Service Jany Oregon Impt Co 2699 City 6.00 Coal J W Langston 2700 City 1.00 Hack Hire Providence hospital 2701 City 7.50 Care For Sick Man B B Freed 2702 City 22.00 Hauling Lumber for Pest House M A Kelly 2703 City 44.25 Medicines for Pest House Golden Rule Bazaar 2704 City 6.55 Buckets Lamps & Clock for Pest Hse Haines & McMicken 2705 City 365.00 Boat House for Pest House H Herschberg 2706 City 2.50 Rubber Coat for Pest House H E Levy 2707 City 19.15 Dishes etc for Pest House Frauenthal Bros 2708 City 36.65 Blankets & Clothing for Pest Hse O W Lynch & Co 2709 City 11.75 Mattresses & Pillows for Pest Hse A Douglas 2710 City 40.75 Stoves & Furniture for Pest House J W Dodson 2711 City 25.00 Services in removing Pest House Haley & Wright 2712 City 62.46 Provisions for Pest House Steamer Bee 2713 City 40.00 Towing for Pest House G L Manning 2714 City 71.25 Furniture for Pest House Steamer Violet 2715 City 30.00 Towing for Pest House Tracy &Burns 2716 City 8.00 Hauling Lumber for Pest House Luke Hall 2717 City 8.00 Hauling Lumber for Pest House Seattle Lumber & C Co2718 City 448.36 Lumber for Pest House
368 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 6 1888 R H Calligan 1948 Road 277.50 Manholes etc Stetson & Post 1949 Road 22.70 Lumber Schwabacher Bros 1950 Road 102.56 Supplies St Comr Washington Iron Wks 1951 Road 190.25 Manholes etc Gladding McBean & Co 1952 Road 41.45 Flushing Tank [?] Seattle Electric Lt Co 187 Gas 598.15 Street Lighting Seattle Gas Lt Co 188 Gas 100.52 Lighting Bldgs W A Perry 1152 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 1 J H Kennedy 1153 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 2 W R Forrest Agt 1154 Fire 10.00 Tripoline D Warner 1155 Fire 288.00 Building Addn to Engine House James Dunham 1156 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose James Dunham 1156 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire Dunham & Spray 1157 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose Dunham & Foster 1158 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose Ed Snodell 1159 Fire 2.50 Hauling H & L Truck Ed Snodell 1159 Fire 2.50 Hauling H & L Truck Ed Snodell 1159 Fire 6.00 Hauling Engines 1&2 Walter Beattie 1160 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire Geo Startup 1161 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire Ed Coffee 1162 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire Danl Moore 1163 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire Frank McKeon 1164 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire W H Clark 1165 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire Frank Fuller 1166 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire L P Ferry 1167 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire P Crandale 1168 Fire 3.00 Extra work at fire Sullivan & Beattie 1169 Fire 6.00 Washing hose Sullivan & Beattie 1170 Fire 6.00 Washing hose F Beattie 1171 Fire 3.00 Washing hose Mc Keon & McIntyre 1172 Fire 6.00 Washing hose Mc Keon & McIntyre 1172 Fire 6.00 Washing hose W H Lake 1173 Fire 3.00 Washing hose G G Teachman 1174 Fire 3.00 Washing hose Patsy Carroll 1175 Fire 3.00 Washing hose F P McKeon 1176 Fire 3.00 Washing hose
394 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 17 1888 Beattie & Hummell 1204 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose Patsy Carroll 1205 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Patsy Carroll 1205 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose F Marco 1206 Fire 13.75 Repg Hose Cart & Ladder Albert Bryan 1207 Fire 9.00 Repairing Fire Alarm W R Forrest agt 1208 Fire 3.35 Freight & Stamps James Campbell 1209 Fire 2.00 Hauling Hose Cart & Lsdder Wilson Godfrey 1534 to 1548 Seventh St Ord 848 $4721.40 Final Estimate Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance granting to I J Lichtenberg & S D Silner their associates, sucessors and assign, the right to lay and maintain Gas Mains in Streets and alleys in the city of Seattle for heating and other purposess" On motion the consideration of said Ordinance is postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance requiring Fire Escapes to be placed upon Boarding Houses and other buildings in the City of Seattle" Which is passed by the following vote: in favor of the same Furth, Green, Lake, Moran, Russell & Reitze Against None. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk entitled "A special ordinance Appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same Furth, Green, Lake, Moran, Russell & Reitze Against None. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Approved Thomas T Minor Mayor Attest W R Forrest Clerk