Pages That Mention Hahn & Engleman
369 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Wm Woodall 1177 Fire 3.00 Washing hose E R Clark 1178 Fire 2.50 Hauling hose Cart G Kellogg 1179 Fire 43.30 Cash Paid for ex work Albert Bryan 1180 Fire 7.25 Repairs to Fire Alarm Chas McDonald 1181 Fire 1.00 One Wrench Sunset Tel Co 1182 Fire 13.50 Telephone Service Jany Wm Beattie 1183 Fire 3.00 Repairs on Truck Moran Bros 1184 Fire 30.74 Repairs to hydrants etc J Schram 1185 Fire 100.00 Brushes & Blacking J W Hunter 1186 Fire 100.00 Hauling Coal Spring Hill Water Co 159 Water 330.50 Water for Dec J Furth 1517 Ord 829 7th St 3456.93 Estimate 7th St Albro Gardner 1518 Ord 829 7th St 60.50 Surveyor's Fees 7th St W N White 1519 Ord 830 Madison St 476.28 Madison St Estimate Albro Gardner 1520 Ord 830 Madison St 115.87 Surveyor's Fees E L Emmons 1524 Ord 847 Mill St 556.48 Mill St Albro Gardner 1525 Ord 847 Mill St 66.13 Surveyor's Fees Albro Gardner 1526 Ord 848 7th St 89.00 Surveyor's Fees 7th St Wilson & Godfrey 1527 Ord 848 7th St 1967.71 Estimate 7th St Albro Gardner 1528 15.39 Bell St Ord 887 Surveyors fees Liceses Ordered Issued J F Armstrong Retail Liquor for 6 Months Silvane & Racine Retail Liquor for 6 Months Mark Norton Retail Liquor for 6 Months LeBlanc & Blondette Retail Liquor for 6 Months T J Armstrong & Son Retail Liquor for 6 Months Robert M Bieker Retail Liquor for 6 Months Ernst Romey Retail Malt for 6 Months The Vote upon issueing said licenses is as follows: In favor the same Furth, Frink, Green, Moran, Lake, Russell & Reitze. Against none. Licenses Referred Harms & Dickman, Boekman & Kitzel, Forbes & Roberts, Morgan & Prosser, O N Morse, Hahn & Engleman & John Johnson
600 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 7 1888 liable for such or any part thereof. Adopted. Ordered that the City Attorney, surveyor and Street Committee be granted further time to report in the Mill Street Bulkhead. Licenses referred Vitus Schmid, Long & Kelly, NP Wildrick Licenses Ordered Issued Louis Laniere, John S Morgan, Conrad Brehm, Alex Meister, J H Loughead, Gorman Bros, Ole Nelson Hahn & Engleman, Grady Bros, Davis & Davis The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Green Jones, McCombs, McDonald Niesz and Reitze Against the same none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows to-wit: Name No of Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 3284 City 150.00 salary City Clerk Aug C W Ferris 3285 City 87.00 salary deputy City Clerk Aug E A Turner 3286 City 62.50 salary City Treasurer 1/2 Month Isaac Parker 3287 City 62.50 salary City Treasurer 1/2 Month Sam'l H Piles 3288 City 150.00 salary City Atty Aug L Cummings 3289 City 125.00 salary Street Comnr Aug Sam'l A Hoyt 3290 City 75.00 salary Harbor Master James Bogart 3291 City 75.00 salary Jailer & Janitor James Bogart 3291 City 132.40 Board of prisoners Albro Gardner 3292 City 25.00 salary City surveyor 6 mos Albro Gardner 3292 City 10.00 Calculating area Madison St lots J C Mitchell 3293 City 150.00 salary Chief of Police Aug [total]1098.40