Pages That Mention E E Wyman
416 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 16 1888 discharged this date. 2nd That one Captain and at least six officers be elected to strengthen the present force, and present and recommend the following be named persons for the respective position set opposite their names, to wit: J H Woolery Captain B F Willand Policeman E E Wyman Policeman J B Brooks Policeman P Farraher Policeman The report is adopted by a unanimous vote and on motion of Councilman Frink, Z I Holden's name is added to the list of policeman recommended appointed. Ordered that the Council now proceed to the election of Captain and police officer, on motion the clerk is directed to cast the ballot of the council for J H Woolery Captain of Police P Farrraher Policeman Officer E E Wyman Policeman Officer B F Willand Policeman Officer J B Brooks Policeman Officer Z I Holden Policeman Officer and said officers are declared duly elected. Ordered that the Chief of Police put officer H A Bigelow permanently on duty to look after & collect licenses. On motion of Council Furth it is ordered that Washington Street be raised to the proper grade from Commercial Street to 4th Street and South Second Street from Mill to Main Streets said work to be done under the direction of the Street Committee. Ordered that the Street Commissioner extend the Main Street sewer from 11th to 12th Streets Ordered that the City Attorney be requested to notify the Bondsmen of the contractor on Mill St grade to complete grade of said Street. Ordered that the Street Committee be directed to put
416 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 16 1888 discharged this date. 2nd That one Captain and at least six officers be elected to strengthen the present force, and present and recommend the following be named persons for the respective position set opposite their names, to wit: J H Woolery Captain B F Willand Policeman E E Wyman Policeman J B Brooks Policeman P Farraher Policeman The report is adopted by a unanimous vote and on motion of Councilman Frink, Z I Holden's name is added to the list of policeman recommended appointed. Ordered that the Council now proceed to the election of Captain and police officer, on motion the clerk is directed to cast the ballot of the council for J H Woolery Captain of Police P Farrraher Policeman Officer E E Wyman Policeman Officer B F Willand Policeman Officer J B Brooks Policeman Officer Z I Holden Policeman Officer and said officers are declared duly elected. Ordered that the Chief of Police put officer H A Bigelow permanently on duty to look after & collect licenses. On motion of Council Furth it is ordered that Washington Street be raised to the proper grade from Commercial Street to 4th Street and South Second Street from Mill to Main Streets said work to be done under the direction of the Street Committee. Ordered that the Street Commissioner extend the Main Street sewer from 11th to 12th Streets Ordered that the City Attorney be requested to notify the Bondsmen of the contractor on Mill St grade to complete grade of said Street. Ordered that the Street Committee be directed to put
429 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 6 1888 Name - No of Warrant - Fund - $ - ¢ - Remarks W R Forrest - 2886 - City - 125 - 00 - Salary City Clerk C.W. Ferris - 2889 - City - 81 - 00 - Salary Depty Clerk L C Gilman - 2888 - City - 100 - 00 - Salary City Atty. E A Turner - 2889 - City - 100 - 00 - Salary City Treasurer E A Turner - 2889 - City - 8 - 00 - Dating stamp & telegram WM Murphy - 2890 - City - 11 - 75 - Cash paid for removing carion WM Murphy - 2890 - City - 100 - 00 - Salary Chief of Police A H Manning- 2891 - City - 90 - 00 - Capt'n of Police Geo Van Dyke - 2892 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer W H Lord - 2893 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer R L Bowers - 2894 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer D R Huntoon - 2895 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer F A Fay - 2896 - City - 85 - 00 - Salary Police Officer H.A. Bigelow - 2897 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer Chas Robinson - 2899 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer W M Jones - 2899 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield - 2900 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer J H McClellan - 2901 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer D Phillips - 2902 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer D.H. Webster - 2903 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer D.F. Willard - 2904 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer Pat Farraher - 2905 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer E E Wyman - 2906 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer J B Brooks - 2407 - City - 36 - 30 - Salary Police Officer Z J Holden - 2908 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Police Officer J H Woolery - 2909 - City - 90 - 00 - Salary Captain Police G W Palmer - 2910 - City - 40 - 00 - Salary Spl Police J H Kendall - 2911 - City - 40 - 00 - Salary Spl Police Saul A Hoyt - 2912 - City - 75 - 00 - Salary Harbor Master L Cummings - 2913 - City - 94 - 50 - Salary Street Comm'r James Bogart - 2914 - City - Salary Janitor James Bogart - 2914 - City - 64 - 60 - Board of Prisoners N Soderberg - 2915 - City - 55 - 25 - Justice fees H F Jones - 2916 - City - 54 - 10 - Justice fees John Caldwell - 2917 - City - 4 - 40 - Witness fees Justice Court
455 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF SEATTLE May 4 1888 From Committee on License and Revenue in reference to the petitionof Tom Rhodes recommend that the same be granted. Adopted. Licenses Orderd issued John Carl Adolph Schander McNatt & Clark The voteupon issuing the above licenses is as follows: In favor Frink, Green, Lake, Russell, Reitze Against none. LIenses referred Mrs James Berry,L V Snyder, Andrew Lunn E Chanpeaux & Co, Frank Clancy, Thos Q Hughes Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited by the Council are orderred paid by warants draw upon the several funds as follows. Name No City Amt Remarks W R Forrest 2950 City 125.00 Salary as Clerk C W Ferris 2951 City 75.00 Salary as Clerk Dep E A Turner 2952 City 100.00 Salary as Treasurer L C Gilman 2953 City 100.00 Salary as Attorney L Cummings 2954 City 99.75 Salary as St Commsr Sam'l A Hoyt 2955 City 75.00 Salary as Harbor Master James Bogart 2956 City 60.00 Salary as Jailor Wm Murphy 2957 City 34.60 Board of Prisoners Wm Murphy 2957 City 82.45 Board of Prisoners Wm Murphy 2957 City 100.00 Salary as Chief of Police A H Manning 2958 City 90.00 Salary as Captn of Police D R Huntoon 2959 City 15.00 Salary as Police Officer E E Wyman 2960 City 40.00 Salary as Police Officer J H Woolery 2961 City 51.00 Salary as Capt H A Bigelow 2962 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Chas Robinson 2963 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer W M Jones 2964 City 75.00 Salary as Police Officer