City of Seattle Records

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COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 16 1888 Ordered that the Council do now adjourn until Friday, November 23rd, 1888 at 7:30 o-clock P.M. Approved Robert Moran mayor Attest W R Forrest city clerk Nov 23 1888 Be it remembered that on this 23rd day of November 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournnment , the following officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor Robert Moran and Councilman F.J. Burns, D E Durie, Joseph Green, [Thos E Jones]], James McCombs,J F McDonald & C F Reitze The following proceedings are had, to wit: Petitions etc Petition of A.L. Palmer for permission to move partitions in house on South Third Street, read & referred to Com on Fire & Water. Petitions of John Farnham for compensation for damages to property caused by firemen, read and referred to Judiciary Commitee. Petition of James Lowdon for permission to build wooden awning in front of building on Mill St. Between South 3rd & South 4th St, read & referred to Committee onFire And Water. Petition of Seattle Lodge No 7 I O O F for a drain on South side of Battery Street between Second and Third Streets, read and referred to Street Commitee. Petition of John Brannan for permission to build a shed of corrugated iron in rear of Sportsmens

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




666 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 7 1888 Be it remembered that on this the 7th day of December 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law [adjournment crossed out], present Mayor Robert Moran and Councilmen F.J. Burns, D E Durie, Joseph Green, Thos E Jones, Jas McCombs, J F McDonald, U R Niesz and C F Reitze The following proceedings are had to wit: Petitions etc Petition of Ella White Peterson and others for the changing of the name of Mill Street to Yesler Avenue. Readn and on motin granted. Petition of J A Fulcher for permission toput up a canvas awning of Lot 6 Blk 6 Boren & Denny's Addition read and refered to Committee on Fire and Water. Petition ofJohn Sexton for rebate of tax paid, read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Petition of Mrs Mary L Damon and L Reinig for change of sidewalk on[Fifth Street]] read and referred to the Street Commttee. Petiton of Chas Baker and others for planking Front Street from Battery to Cedar Street read and referred to Street Committee. Comunication from S N Sorenson inrgard to sidewalk on Spring Street between Second & Third Streets read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of Engine Co No 2 for a horse hose cart read and referred to Committee on Fire and Water. Communication form Chief of Police reproting changes in the police force read and referred to Com on Health & Police.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




679 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 12 1888 Congress of the United States asking for the immediate admission of Washington Territory as a State under the name of the State of Washington, and that the City Attorney and the City Clerk be instructed to prepare such memorial and have the same ready for submission to the Council at the next regular meeting. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn. Attest Approved WR Forrest Robert Moran Mayor Clerk Dec 21 1888 Be it remembered that on this 21st day of December AD 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle met pursuant to law in their Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present His Hon. Mayor Robt Moran, Councilmen F.J. Burns, D.E.Durie, Jos.Green, T.E.Jones, Jos. McCombs J.F. McDonald, U.R.Niesz, C.F.Reitzeand Clerk W.R.Forrest Petitions etc. Petition of W Mason for permission to put partition in Kinnears building No 216 So. Second Street. Read & referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of Andrew Nelson to have personal property tax $1025. Stricken from the Assessment Roll he being a nonresident. Read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Petition of Felix Rose and others for opening alley between Front & West, Virginia & Stewart Streets. Read & Referred to Street Committee. Petition of McNatt & Clark for permission to raise sidewalk on Main St. corner of Second St. and extend porch along

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




679 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 12 1888 Congress of the United States asking for the immediate admission of Washington Territory as a State under the name of the State of Washington, and that the City Attorney and the City Clerk be instructed to prepare such memorial and have the same ready for submission to the Council at the next regular meeting. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn. Approved Robert Moran Mayor Attest W R Forrest Clerk Dec 21 1888 Be it remembered that on this 21st day of December AD 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle met pursuant to law in their Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present His Hon. Mayor Robt Moran, Councilmen F.J. Burns, D.E. Durie, Jos. Green, T.E. Jones, Jos. McCombs J.F. McDonald, U.R. Niesz, C.F. Reitze and Clerk W.R. Forrest Petitions etc. Petition of W Mason for permission to put partition in Kinnears building No 216 So. Second Street. Read & referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of Andrew Nelson to have personal property tax #1025. Stricken from the Assessment Roll he being a nonresident. Read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Petition of Felix Rose and others for opening alley between Front & West, Virginia & Stewart Streets. Read & Referred to Street Committee. Petition of McNatt & Clark for permission to raise sidewalk on Main St. corner of Second St. and extend porch along

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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