Pages That Mention Frank Clinch
489 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 1 1888 Henderson and Locke Earthwork per cubic yard .45cents Cribbing per MBM[thousand board feet] $18.00 Sidewalks per MBM[thousand board feet] $17.50 Box Drains per MBM[thousand board feet] $18.00 Clearing and grubbing per acre $100.00 Ordered that the contract be awarded to McClanahan and O'Day upon their filing a bond in in the sum of $1000.00 Liquor Licenses Ordered Issued Slorah and Baumen, J T Beadle the vote upon issuing said licenses is a s follows viz: In favor of the same; Frink, Green, Lake, Niesz, Russell and Reitze against none. Licenses Referred Frank Clinch, Kreielsheimer Bros Plans and Specifications for the improvement of Second Street from Depot Street to Blanchard Street are submitted by the City Surveyor and approved. Plans and Specifications for the improvement of Second Street from Depot Street to Blanchard Street are submitted by the City Surveyor and approved. Plans and Specifications for the improvement of Lake Avenue from John Street to Harrison Street are submitted by the City Surveyor and approved. Plans and Specifications for the improvement of Wall Street from Elliott's Bay to Depot Street are submitted by the City Surveyor and on motion the same are approved. Plans and Specifications for the improvement of Tenth Street from Broadway to Seneca Street are submitted by the City Surveyor and upon examination of same are approved.
502 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE June 15 1888 Report of A A Bell and F W Wald the committee appointed to obtain dedications of property along the line of Second Street for the purpose of widening said street, recommmending that the Council pass an Ordinance condemning property on Second Street for the purpose of widening said street, read and referred to Street Com, & City Atty. Licenses Referred Davidson & Grubb, Beede & Sinclair, Jo Francisco, Dietz & Meyer, Melhorn & Probst, Gumbert & Clinch, M Racine, Geo Meister, Jus McCarey, M & K Gottstein, A Slorah,A P Hoteling Co, L Diller, Geo Drefel, E J Powers, Charles Ross, James P Tighe Adolph Schander, Jacob Bersch, James W Smith J H Foster, Oscar Johnson, Fred Schopp, Henry Haggenmaker, Branham & Carson, J T Armstrong, Oscar Johnson Licenses Ordered Issued Kreielscheimer Bros & Frank Clinch The vote upon issuing said licenses is as folows In favor of the same Frink,Green, Lake, Niesz Russell & Rietze. Against the same none. Tenth Street Improvement Bids for the Improvement of Tenth Street from Broadway to Seneca Street under Ordinance No 944 were opened and read as follows: Henderson & Locke Earthwork per cubic yard .39&1/2cents Cribbing per MBM[thousand Board feet] $18.00 Sidewalks per MBM[thousand Board feet] $17.50 Box Drains per MBM[thousand Board feet] $19.00 Clearing and grubbing per acre $150.00
508 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 19 1888 as follows viz:
Name | No | Fund | $ | ¢ | Remarks |
Green & Raymond | 3091 | City | 2 | 00 | Brogans Pest House |
Krebs & Brown | 3092 | City | 38 | 60 | Board of Prisoners |
Toklas & Sigerman | 3093 | City | 77 | 56 | Clothing for Small Pox patients |
Frank Clinch | 3094 | City | 37 | 35 | Clothing destroyed |
Mrs. I. A. Thrall | 3095 | City | 209 | 00 | Nurse |
Geo James | 3096 | City | 284 | 00 | Damages etc |
648 | 51 |
Ordered that the clerk be and his hereby directed to give ten (10) days notice as required by law that a general election for all city officers will be held on Monday July 9th 1888. The officers to be elected shall be as follows: One mayor; one city attorney; one chief of police; and from the First was one Councilman for the term of two years; from the Second Ward one Councilman for the term of two years; one Councilman from the Third Ward for the term of Two years; from the Fourth Ward one Councilman for the term of Two years. The places appointed for having such election and the officers appointed to conduct the the same are as follows, to wit: First Ward: Polls to be held at Engine House No.2. South Third Street: Inspector A. C. Turner, Judges J. C. Helm & Geo W. Young, Clerks David McKinley & W. T. Dearborn. Second Ward: Polls to be held at Engine House No. 1 on Columbia Street. Inspector O. C. Shorey, Judges M. R. Maddocks & H. Butler. Clerks L. S. Booth & Josiah Collins, Jr. Third Ward. Polls to be held at Brown Pavilion Second Street. Inspector Frank Hanford, Judges L. B. Andrews & Otto Smith. Clerks R. B. Albertson & C. W. Ferris