Pages That Mention Moses Korn
1 Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle
Be it remembered that on this the 14th day of October A D 1890. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to law!
The following Members are present: Alderman W H Bogardus Geo W Hall F. W. D. Holbrook Moses Korn A. S. Miller Frank A. Pontius W. A. Snyder F. W. Wald F. N Wilcox Clerk H W Miller
The following proceedings are had: The Board were called to order by H W Miller Clerk. Upon motion F. W. D. Holbrook was elected temporary President! Ordered that a Committee be appointed on Credentials. The Prest appointed Miller, Wilcox & Pontius and after examining the Credentials declared the following Gentlemen entitled to seats. W. D. Bogardus Geo W Hall F. W. D. Holbrook Moses Korn A. S. Miller Frank A Pontius W. A Snyder F. W Wald & F. N. Wilcox Upon a vote Geo W Hall was elected permanant President without opposition A Committee of three consisting of Miller Wald and Holbrook were appointed by the Chair on Rules and Order of Business:
Nominations The following nominations were then placed before the Board by the Mayor to be Confirmed: For members of The Board of Public Works: for the term of three years; George H. Heilbron for the term of two years W. V. Rinehart for the term of one year Luther H Griffiths —
4 Journal of the Proceedings of the Oct. 17 1890 Oct 17 1890 Be it remembered that on this the 17th day of October A.D. 1890 The Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to adjournment and after recess: in the Old City Hall: The following members are present: W. H. Bogardus F. W. D. Holbrook Geo. W. Hall Moses Korn A. S. Miller F. A. Pontius W. A. Snyder F. W. Wald F. N. Wilcox — Wm B. Drown Depty City Clerk.
The following proceedings are had: The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved!
— Petitions — Petition: of Thos Foran for an extension of 60 days time on his contract with the City for the Canal Street grade on account of sickness read and referred to the Street Commission.
Petition of J. F. McNaught to open the alley in Block 70 of C. C. Terrys 1st add. Read and ref to the Street Committee.
Petition of Orange Jacobs and others to grade Broadway in accordance with the Charter and Ordinance of the City No. 1489. Read and ref to the Street Committee.
Petition of J. J. Post asking for 7 inch sewer 230 ft long from his alley to University St. Box drain. Read and ref to Sewer Committee.
Petition of C. J. Treen and others for the grading and sidewalking of Lakeview Ave read and ref to Street Committee.
7 Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle Oct 17 1890
B of A Bill No. 6 by Miller An Ordinance to perscribe more fully the powers and duties of the City Clerk read twice and ref to Jud. Committee.
B of A Bill No. 7 by Miller An Ordinance to perscribe the salaries and compensation of the officers and employees of the City read twice and ref to the Jud. Committee.
The Chair appointed the following Standing Committees
Rules | A. S. Miller Chairman |
and | F. W. Wald |
Order of Business | F. W. D. Holbrook |
and | ]]W. H. Bogardus]] |
Legislative | F. A. Pontius |
Public Buildings | F. N. Wilcox Chairman |
Grounds and | W. A. Snyder |
Property | A. S. Miller |
Health | W. A. Snyder Chairman |
and | Moses Korn |
Police | F. N. Wilcox |
Street | F. W. Wald Chairman |
Departments | A. S. Miller |
F. W. D. Holbrook |
8 Journal of the Proceedings of the Oct 17 1890
Fire | W. H. Bogardus Chairman |
and | F. A. Pontius |
Water | Moses Korn |
Street | F. N. Wilcox |
Lights | W. H. Bogardus |
F. W. D. Holbrook |
Licenses | Moses Korn Chairman |
and | F. N. Wilcox |
Revenue | W. A. Snyder |
Sewers | F. W. D. Holbrook Chairman |
and | A. S. Miller |
Drains | F. W. Wald |
Joint Committee | F. A. Pontius Chairman |
on | Moses Korn |
Licenses | F. W. Wald |
Motion by Miller to have the City Clerk furnish a copy of the present City Ordinances and bring them into the Council Chamber = Motion withdrawn.
Moved by Miller that a Committee of 3 be appointed on Salaries = Carried.
29 Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle
[left margin] Nov 3/1890 [/left margin]
Be it remembered that on this the 3rd day of November A. D. 1890 The Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to adjournment and after recess: in the New City Hall: Prest. Geo. W. Hall in the chair — At roll call the following members are present W. H. Bogardus, F. W. D. Holbrook, Moses Korn A. S. Miller, F. A. Pontius, F. W. Wald, W. A. Snyder F. N. Wilcox Mr. President Hy. W. Miller City Clerk.
The following proceedings are had: Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.
Petition of J. C. Nixon for rebate on Liquor License of Hicock and Jally read & ref to the License & Revenue Committee.
Petition of Watson C. Squire et al for grading of alley between 2nd and 3rd sts from Jefferson to James Sts. read & ref to St. Improvement Committee.
Petition of L. W. Foss for sidewalk on University Street read & ref to St. Impvt. Com.
Petition of S. M. Sorenson for sidewalk on North side of Spring St. between 2nd & 3rd Streets read & ref to Street Improvement Committee.
Petition of Moone Land Co. et al for the grading of California Street read & ref to St. Improvement Committee.
Petition of W. H. Shoudy et al for modification of grade on Temperance St.