Pages That Mention G W Furry
To the House of Delegates Gentlemen: Your committee on claims to whom was referred the claim of H. E. Kelsey of $300 for covering one third of his lot with earth, located as lot 9, Block 7, Syndicate Addition, report in favor of laying the same on the table for future investigation. Rsp submitted Com. on Claims J. [V.?] P. Lansing G W Furry C H art
Mr Presidnet Your Committee on Licenses to whom was referred Petitions of Ed McNulty #2711 Front St Murdock and D M Brogan #111 south side of Yesler Av N Kennedy #619 Southside of King St Macquilken and Morton (Fremont) corner of Lake Av and Dravis St
favorable G W Furry chairman Chas Cowden R Morford Committee
Mr President Your Committee on Licenses to whom was referred petitions for Liquor License for D K Howard and E J Powers 709 Front St W Spidman Northside of King near Sixth Otto Leibman and others 600 Second St Angul and Dittnock King between 6tha nd 7th Wm Sutherland 301 Comm St]] Nick Michaely 1300 East side of West St Report favorably G W Furry Charly Cowden
Mr President: Your Committee on Licenses to whom was referred petitions for licenses to run saloons as follows R Rosenthall location not stated A F Able Protest entered dispute as owner of property #579 Yesler Avenue Otto Peterson 1605 Front St not signed by owner of property Ritter and Buxman #1701 8th Street outside of limits Howard and Herdman #322 east 3rd street not signed by owner Wear and Patterson no lease of property. We do not report favorably on any of the foregoing. G W Furry chairman Chas Cowden committee
Mr Presidnent: Your committee on Licenses to whom was referred the following petitions for liquor licenses as follows Clancy and Burns SW Corner 4th and Wash Friend Degginger and Co South 3rd and Main Harry Haggemaker S W Corner Yesler and South 2nd St C H Birtch R P M Kelly and J J Waddegan Bodgea, West Side Front St Newman and Abraham#215 Wash st Hansen and Jacobson 2nd and Washington J J Burdskul #61 3rd St Schacht and Maeyer #1432 Front St E Meyer #909 Front St]] We report favoraby G W Furry chairman committee