City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention W L Crosley


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517 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 29 1888 Cribbing pr MBM[thousand board feet] $18.00 Sidewalks pr MBM[thousand board feet] $17.50 Box Drains pr MBM[thousand board feet] $17.50 Clearing & Grubbing per acre $180.00 D B Murray & Co Earthwork per cubic yard .36&1/2 cents Sidewalks pr MBM[thousand board feet] $17.50 Box Drains pr MBM[thousand board feet] $18.00 Clearing & Grubbing per acre $125.00 Solid Rock per cubic Yard $1.25 Ordered that the contract be awarded to Parker & Orr upon their filing a bond in the sum of $1500.00 Third Street Assessment Roll Ord #938 Pursuant to law and published notice the council now proceeds to examine and equalize the assessment Roll for the Assessment of Third Street from Depot to Virginia Street and no one appearing to contest the same and no objection being made thereto it is ordered that said assessment roll be and the same is hereby approved. Miscellaneous Now comes W C Hill by his attorney and asks the council to order the City Treasurer not to sell Lots 7,8,11,&12 Sec 4 T 24 advertised as delinquent, Whereupon on motion the matter is referred to the City Attorney. Ordered the W L Crosley be given until the next regular meeting to file his contract and bond for the grading of South Eleventh Street Ordered that the City Attorney be instructed to settle doubtful street grade assessments which have been delinquent for a number of years upon payment of the original

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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528 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 6 1888 for grading South Eleventh Street had failed to file his contract and bond as ordered by the council and it further appearing that his failure so to do was and is caused by his being unable to find a purchaser for the warrants to be issued for such street work: It is ordered that the order heretofore made by the council granting said contract to said W L Crosley be vacated and annulled and it is further ordered that the City Clerk return to said W L Crosley the amount deposited by him to wit: the sum of $250.00. Ordered that the contract for grading South Eleventh Street be awarded to Hall & Ritchey they being the next lowest bidders, upon filing a bond in the sum of $2000.00. Ordered that W N White be granted permission to use powder in blasting earth on Harrison Street grade under the usual restrictions. Depot Street & Box Street assessment Rolls. Pursuant to law and published notice the Council now proceeds to examine and equalize the Assessment Roll for the assessment district established by Ordinance No 930, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the grading of Depot Street in the City of Seattle from Elliott's Bay toBroadway and constructing sidewalks on said Depot Street: Also The Assessment Roll for the Assessment district established by Ordinance No 933 entitled "an Ordinance establishing the grading of Box Street in the City of Seattle from Depot Street to Harrison Street and for building sidewalks on said Box Street" Also The Assessment Roll for the Assessment District established by Ordinance No 935 entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the grading of Cherry Street in the

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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