Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Mary Reeve

Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.

p. 10
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p. 10

Friday, November 28th Rainy. Was not very well. Caroline, with Kate Hudson, and Mary [Best?] spent the day at an Anti-Slavery fair in Brooklyn. George Hudson spent the evening with them and brought Carrie home about twelve o'clock and the young lady woke me from sound slumbers to give me an account of her adventures which I was to sleepy to think as interesting as she evidently considered them. In the meantime Harriet and I had had a very pleasant day together in chatting and sewing. Hannah [Wilde?] called early in the morning. Evening in reading.

Saturday. Warm and Pleasant. Soon after breakfast I called on Hannah [Wilde?] and Mary Reeve. Hannah wanted me to go to the Fair with her very much so finally I consented. It was nearly noon when we started. We took the stage on Fourth at which set us down at the door of Montague Hall, Brooklyn where the Fair is held. It was mostly [superintended] by colored ladies. Our design in coming was to assist by taking tables. We did so and sold about eight or ten dollars worth in the course of the evening. The ladies were very polite to us. The boys came over in the evening. Doctor Remmington made a speech. We left about half past eight. After I reached home I read the National Era and retired.

Sunday. Pleasant. Attended our church in the morning and evening Mr. Whiting preached in the morning.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by vant
p. 11
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p. 11

Monday, December 1st Very cold. Winter's drear reign has commenced Sewed in the morning. In the afternoon I called on Mary Reeve Mary [Robb?] , and the Waterman's. [?] Dickinson called and presented Carrie with a Lyceum ticket and with an offer of his hand which was rejected. She however accepted his company to Lcyeum for the winter on condition that he would accompany her only as a [cousin?]. He said he wished she would be an old maid but though he felt very badly about it they parted pleasantly Mr Murphy and Mr Roy a theological student called in the [ev'ng?].

Tuesday.. Busy at home all day.. Margaret Culbert called in the afternoon Dr Remmington was here to tea and lectured at our church in the evening. Mrs Hudson and Kate called and accompanied our folks to the lecture. Natty? and I spent the evening alone together in reading.

Wednesday.. Cold but pleasant. After sewing steadily all day early in the evening I dressed to attend Miss Hamilton's wedding. George Hudson and Kate called for Carrie to attend singing school. They returned about half past eight before we started for the wedding. Joseph Wilde and Hannah came in and [staid?] [till?] we returned. Mother and Father, Mr Murphy with Harriet and I attended the wedding. The rooms were crowded. The bride of course looked very sweetly and the groom Mr [Brinu?] looked well. We met there Stan? and Annie, the Culberts, and quite a number of acquaintances and, we enjoyed it very much. The [Calthumpians?] were serenading before the door when we left. It is the first time I have ever heard them. I should [?] like to have them come to my wedding.

Last edit over 3 years ago by MRutherford
p. 12
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p. 12

Thursday December 4th. Spent the day as usual in sewing. In the [ev'ng?] Natty and I attended Lyceum together. [?] went with [?] Mr Noges? from Brooklyn delivered a very fine lecture on Hungary and Kossuth. The Lyceum was held in the [Babtist?] church which was crowded.

Friday. Rather warmer than it has been. This morning at one o'clock the illustrious Hungarian hero, Kossuth landed at Staten Island He was received with all the honors Inc to his noble character. His name is on every tongue and one and all unite in praising him. Mary Reeve made a long call in the afternoon. Attended prayer meeting at our church in the evening.

Saturday.. A most delightful day. About twelve o'clock A.M. Harriet and I crossed the ferry and went to Albert's rooms in Broadway to witness the triumphal entry of Kossuth into the city. Bells were ringing, guns were firing, business was partly suspended and flags and streamers floated from every thing that could conveinently hold them. The shipping looked very pretty thus ornamented. Broadway presented a magnificent spectacle The gateways of the park were covered with flowers and ribbons while [family?] statues, and flags of every nation ornamented the principal building Albert gave us seats at one of the windows and we waited patiently for about two hours before the gorgeous procession passed. Mr Murphy joined us just before it came. After the military had all gone by Kossuth appeared in a carriage drawn by six horses. He was standing up and bowing as he passed among the deafening shouts of the multitude.

[Text written on the left margin: [Sad?] and dignified was the sweet smile that played over his beautiful features and he appeared more like an angel than a man. He is the most noble & the most lovely, the most beautiful and the most [intensely?] interesting man I have ever seen

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Last edit over 3 years ago by MRutherford
p. 13
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p. 13

Sunday.. Cloudy.. Spent the morning at home in reading. In the afternoon attended Sunday School and Communion. Rain kept me home in the evening.

Monday.. Pleasant. In the morning received a letter from Sarah Wilde Carrie and I went into Grand ['st?] of an errand, afterwards I called on Mrs Stearns. George Hudson and Kate called in the afternoon. Mr Dias brought us some [music?] books in the evening

Tuesday.. Pleasant . Tried an experiment in the millinery line. In the afternoon Carrie Mary Reeve and I called on Hannah Wilde, took tea with her and spent the evening. We had a very pleasant time. I enjoyed the society of the sweet little children very much. Little children ! earth's sweetest blossoms! How I love them. Joseph and Nathaniel joined us in the morning. We left about half past two.

Wednesday.. Sewed busily all day. In the evening we all attended singing school at our church taught by Mr Taylor C. Warner I liked it very much. The Hudsons accompanied us home.

Thursday..Carrie made a large quantity of fruit cake in the morning Hannah Wilde called in the afternoon and accompanied me to distribute my tracts. Called on Mary Reeve, and then Carrie and I went into Grand ['st?] ]] shopping. Attended Lyceum in the evening escorted by Natty. Dr W. Bettaner? delivered a very interesting lecture on "Java and the Javanise". Begh Dickinson? accompanied Carrie as usual. She also received a call from Mr Talbot in the afternoon.

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Last edit over 3 years ago by MRutherford
p. 14
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p. 14

Friday.. Very cold but clear.. Commenced making up my new dress. Miss Mary Warner, Mrs Fitch, and Mary Reeve called, P.M. Wrote to William Gonsalves? in the evening.

Saturday.. Pleasant. Spent the day busily and pleasantly at home. Ellen Dickinson called in the morning. Mr Murphy unexpectedly arrived from New Haven in the afternoon much to Harriet's surprise and delight.

Sunday.. Pleasant. Attended our church all day. Father preached in the morning and Mr Picard in the afternoon. Spent the evening in pleasant and I trust profitable reading.

Monday.. Cloudy. Occupied the morning with my needle. Early in the afternoon I called on Mary Reeve and also on Mrs Tucker, an intimate friend of Mrs Leager She has just received a letter from Mrs Leager, in which one had been inclosed to me by Ellen, but for some reason, not explained, had been taken out. She is a very pleasant and talkative woman, and entertained me with a long account of what Mrs Leager had written. She also offered to enclose a letter from me in her own letters which she sends tomorrow. Kate Hudson made a long call soon after my return. In the evening wrote to Ellen Seager, wrote in my journal, and read the newspapers.

Tuesday. Clear, but very cold. Sewed all day without interruption. Mrs Beecher called about dusk. Read in the evening Folks say that this is the coldest day we have had in [three?] years.

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Last edit over 3 years ago by MRutherford
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