Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Mrs Leager

Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.

p. 14
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p. 14

Friday.. Very cold but clear.. Commenced making up my new dress. Miss Mary Warner, Mrs Fitch, and Mary Reeve called, P.M. Wrote to William Gonsalves? in the evening.

Saturday.. Pleasant. Spent the day busily and pleasantly at home. Ellen Dickinson called in the morning. Mr Murphy unexpectedly arrived from New Haven in the afternoon much to Harriet's surprise and delight.

Sunday.. Pleasant. Attended our church all day. Father preached in the morning and Mr Picard in the afternoon. Spent the evening in pleasant and I trust profitable reading.

Monday.. Cloudy. Occupied the morning with my needle. Early in the afternoon I called on Mary Reeve and also on Mrs Tucker, an intimate friend of Mrs Leager She has just received a letter from Mrs Leager, in which one had been inclosed to me by Ellen, but for some reason, not explained, had been taken out. She is a very pleasant and talkative woman, and entertained me with a long account of what Mrs Leager had written. She also offered to enclose a letter from me in her own letters which she sends tomorrow. Kate Hudson made a long call soon after my return. In the evening wrote to Ellen Seager, wrote in my journal, and read the newspapers.

Tuesday. Clear, but very cold. Sewed all day without interruption. Mrs Beecher called about dusk. Read in the evening Folks say that this is the coldest day we have had in [three?] years.

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Last edit over 3 years ago by MRutherford
p. 62
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p. 62

Tuesday, March 16th.. Went into Grand st of an errand, and called on Mrs Tucker. Sewed in the afternoon

Wednesday.. Rained in the morning and snowed in the afternoon.. Received a box from Mrs Leager and Ellen containing two very pretty boxes, crochet patterns a worsted pattern and letters from Ellen and her mother to Carrie and I. We were much pleased with them all. -- Mr & Mrs Hudson, Kate and Henry came over in the afternoon and took tea with us. Mr Murphy was also here and George He came in the evening. We had a very pleasant time both in the afternoon and evening. We had prayers and sing-ing together about half-past ten and soon after they left. Mr Hudson presented Father with a $20 bank note

Thursday.. Cloudy and damp. Wrote to Ellen Leager. Cornelius who has been complaining for the last two weeks was suddenly taken very ill with the rheumatism and the doctor was called. He was put to bed, the Doctor's prescriptions attended to and he soon felt much better. Sarah Wilde spent the afternoon here.

She has improved a little during her long sojourn from home but is herself still. She amused us very much Henry Hudson called and accompanied me to Lyceum in the evening. The Rev Mr. Pierpont delivered his celebrated poem on New England. It was received with much applause

Last edit almost 3 years ago by keebie
p. 122
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p. 122

Wednesday.. Rainy. Spent the day quietly and pleasantly at home. Had made an engagement with Mary and Josy? to attend the National Temperance Anniversary but none of us were able to go. Evening in writing and reading.

Thursday.. Damp. At home occupied with my usual duties. Mary Reeve made a long call in the afternoon, she will leave W-- on Saturday morning for a week's visit to Jamaica Evening in knitting a tidy and writing.

The coffee which we sent for nearly a week ago, and of which we are greatly in want, was to-day brought to us by one of teh men in the employ of Wilde & Co, Mr I-- who heretofore took the charge of delivering it with his own hands, having refused to brint it, and probably would have neglected it entirely, had not Nathaniel called on him this morning and pretty forcibly called it to his recollection What particular reason he has for his silly conduct I am quite ignorant, but our one or two coffeeless breakfasts were laughingly laid to my door. Even Father could not forbear to smile. I-- is evidently provoked at someting -- he [put?] me with a most ungracious frown last Sunday morning.

Friday.. Cool and cloudy. Delivered an errand in [First of?] in the afternoon and called on the Culberts, and on Mrs Tucker.

The latter has recently received some good news from Mrs Leager and her daughter, and says that I may daily expect a letter Dr Finlay, who by the way, accompanied me across the verry on Tuesday, spent the evening here much to Carrie's annoyance Joseph Dickinson also made a long call on her ladyship in the afternoon.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by AprilDuclos
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