Pages That Mention Spring Street
Your petitioners, the undersigned and owners of the property appearing opposite our respective names, such property being and lying within the hereinafter proposed "Local Improvement District", and the same being subject to assessments in proportion to the benefit derived by the improvements therein, do hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to establish a "Local Improvement District", as provided by law, for the grading and parking of Victoria Street between the eastern limits of Grand Avenue to the centre of Spring Street, in the City of West Seattle, and that such improvements be made under the five (5) year installment plan, and that the sum or assessments charged against the lots and parcels of land abutting and fronting on the street so improved within said "Local Improvement District", be paid in five (5) equal annual installements, and that fiveyear "Local Improvement Bonds" be issued against said District, as provided by law, to defray the costs thereof.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Olive Mitchell Lot 3 + 4 Block 66 Mr. Harry Cook 8-9-10-22-23-24- 69 Con Miller 4-5 69 Jack Gernrser 9-10-11 66 S. W. Argo 3-4-5 62 J. W. Wylie 12-13 66 Nat Dobbins 11 12 62 Wm Osterle 13 62 Mrs. Ida Penner 5-6 66 H. Poska 14-15-16-17. 66 W. W. French 66
FILED AUG 13 1906 City of West Seattle By......... City Clerk
Ordinance 140
On Spring Street: At Front Street 31 feet. At Second Street 80 feet. At Third Street 130 feet. At Fourth Street 163½ feet. At Fifth Street 192½ feet. At Sixth Street 225 feet. At Seventh Street 225½ feet.
On Seneca Street: At West Street 10 feet. At Front Street 48 feet. At Second Street 80 feet. At Third Street 125½ feet. At Fourth Street 170 feet. At Fifth Street 192 feet. At Sixth Street 213 feet. At Seventh Street 203 feet.
On University Street: At West Street 10 feet. At Front Street 60½ feet. At Second Street 85½ feet. At Third Street 120½ feet. At a point one hundred and fifty-three feet east of the middle of Third Street 132 feet. As a point one hundred and fifty-three feet west of the middle of Sixth Street 175 feet. At Sixth Street 175 feet. At Seventh Street 170½ feet.
On Union Street: At West Street 15 feet. At Front Street 80½ feet. At Second Street 91½ feet. At Third Street 115 feet. At Fourth Street 125½ feet. At Fifth Street 110 feet. At Sixth Street 135 feet. At Seventh Street 150½ feet.
On Pike Street: At West Street 15 feet. At Front Street 107 feet. At Second Street 111 feet. At Third Street 115½ feet. At Fourth Street 115½ feet. At Fifth Street 119 feet. At Sixth Street 119 feet. At Seventh Street 136 feet.
On PineStreet: At West Street 65 feet. At Front Street 138 feet. At a point midway between Front and Second Streets 160 feet. At Second Street 153 feet. At Third Street 132 feet. At Fourth Street 115feet. At Fifth Street 95 feet. At Sixth Street 95 feet. At Seventh Street 106 feet.
To The Honorable The Mayor and City Council of the City of Seattle State of Washington
We in the undersigned residents on and about the corner of 7th and Spring Streets of the City of Seattle do most respectfully represent to your an honorable body. That there is being erected at the corner before named what is generally termed "Merry go round" we your petitioners are opposed to the said show being exhibited at said corner, for the following reasons The everlasting noise and disturbance. attending to such show. The collection of kinds of people of all kinds and especially the vicious and who take advantage of crowds to ply their nefarious avocations. We respectfully suggest to you honorable body. That the location to which we refer is one of the most quiet and and respectable portions of the City. and the establishment of such a show as the one referred to with damage this property in the vicinity and umrest our hitherto peaceable
Remonstrance of Amelia Aldew against allowing a merry go round to locate at the [?] of 7th & Spring
[Carn ?] L & R recommend that the Petition be respected [? A W Keugh?] [R ? Cablegan?]
Seattle Washington September 3 1890
To the Hon The Mayor & City Council of the City of Seattle
I would most respectfully ask that you forbid the location of what is Termed a "merry go round" at the location of Seventh and Spring street. It is objectionable on account of the character of persons that are drawn to it. as with as the noise and tumult occasioned by running it. To permit it to be operated at the point refered to would connect what is now one of the most quiet neighborhoods into a rendevous for loafers and other bad characters. We therefore respectfully ask that no permit be granted for the purpose named
and your petitioners that ever pray very respectfully Amelia Alden