Pages That Mention H. Rosburg
Chas. J. Maidment John Shecham Arthur Murphy B S Parker Chas. G. Van Alstyne D. H. Callahan T. E. Wiman G G Startup F. R. Brant F. P. McKeon M Emerson R. W. Maidment H. F. Jones No 4 R. A Armstrong C H Lee H. Uhlfelder W. B. Jones No 1 B. C. Florah Paul Moran J G Startup W McDonald Sherman Mason E Cowen Gene Parry H. Rosburg J C Flattery M. H. Powers Thomas Creney Randolph Calburg Phil Corevsen Fey Spencer Henry Beck W J Beattie Alec D McKnight
Monday Febraury 12 1883 at 7 1/2 o'clock p.m. for the special purpose od considering bids for Street Improvements Attes: E.S. Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor
Feb. 12/893 Be it remembered that on this the 12th day of February 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournemnt.
The following of the Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman John Collins and Councilmen O.F. Cosper, Charles F. Clancy, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald and G. L. Manning.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Bids Received And now the Council proceeds to open and consider the bids for the sidewalk to be constructed on Columbia Street under Ordinance No. 354 which bids are as follows, towit:
L. E. Hicson perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] $17.75 John M. Stewart et al perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.50 G. W. Currier perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 17.50 S.G. Simpson perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.95 S. F. Hoole perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.00 D.S. Hill and H. Rosburg perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.90 Geo S. Cassell perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.40
And now is appearing to the Councl that the bid of S. F. Hoole is the lowest and best bid, and that he is the lowest responsible builder. It is therefore ordered that the contract be awarded to him upon his giving a bond with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of $500.00
And now the Council proceeds to open and consider the bids for the sidewalk to be constructed on Cherry Street under Ordinance No 354, which bids are as follows, towit:
TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE GREETING: We, The undersigned property owners on Dexter Street, respectfully petition that a re-survey be made on said Street from Depot to Republican, for the reason that we believe the cut between John and Harrison Streets to be unnecessarily deep, and the fill at Harrison too great.
D. T. Denny Ed Herrick H. Rosburg F. W. Layton Gus. E. Penney Levi Myers H. C. Ingram J. L. Sandall Ivan E. Erickson Frances Prother F. G. Hendel Frank Haskins H. C. McJudkin Walter Graham
606 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 6/85 Schwabacher Bros & Co duster no. 1065 $3.50 S. C. Harris recording deeds to city park 1066 10. John Langston team for Health Office & Chief of police 1067 3. Andrew Castro removing carrion 1068 3. Geo. G. Lyon fees in city-v-Meyers & Powers 1069 19.05 Road Fund Robt Reed Labor in Streets No. 854 $75. J. Close Labor in Streets 855 70.68 W.J. Alexander Labor in Streets 856 54. H. Hoppoc Labor in Streets 857 54. A.C. Turner Labor in Streets 858 54. James Campbell Labor in Streets 859 54. H. Rosburg Labor in Streets 860 52.87 Phil Corcorkan Labor in Streets 861 52. 87 A.C. Crook Labor in Streets 862 52.87 Geo. Huntley Labor in Streets 863 51.75 Geo. Van Dyke Labor in Streets 864 49.50 A. Merrifield Labor in Streets 865 46.12 R. Shewan Labor in Streets 866 45. J.L. McLellan Labor in Streets 867 45. Fred Kelley Labor in Streets 868 43.88 Luke Hale Labor in Streets 869 43.88 A. Cramer Labor in Streets 870 43.31 Lewis Navarre Labor in Streets 871 42.75 M.A. Murphy Labor in Streets 872 42.18 J.R. Davis Labor in Streets 873 40.50 Paul Bayer Labor in Streets 874 38.25 W. Curtis Labor in Streets 875 28.78 E.C. McClanahan Labor in Streets 876 28.78 W. Crowser Labor in Streets 877 28.56 J. Dickenson Labor in Streets 878 27.52 A.G. Lawson Labor in Streets 879 27. W. Spencer Labor in Streets 880 25.87 R.E. Lee Labor in Streets 881 25.32 C.M. Bywater Labor in Streets 882 25.32 D.S. Hill Labor in Streets 883 24.75
618 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 3/85 A.C. Crook Labor on streets No. 923 $58.50 Phil Corcorkan Labor on streets 924 58.50 H. Rosburg Labor on streets 925 58.50 Thos Rock Labor on streets 926 58.50 James Campbell Labor on streets 927 58.50 Geo Van Dyke Labor on streets 928 58.50 H. Hoppock Labor on streets 929 58.50 Geo. Huntley Labor on streets 930 58.50 U.C. Turner Labor on streets 931 57.95 W J Alexander Labor on streets 932 56.25 A J. Waltz Labor on streets 933 40.50 J. Dickinson Labor on streets 934 14.62 R.E. Lee Labor on streets 935 6.75 James Bogart boarding prisoners 936 56.60 Stetson & Post Mill Co lumber 937 138.89 Ballard & Sox hardware 938 108.50 Gordan Hardware Co nails 939 11.75 Harrington & Smith hardware 940 5.48 Wald & Campbell axe & handle 941 1.75 Jones & Hubbell feed for team 942 70.25 J. W. Hunt Blacksmithing 943 11. Wm Beattie horseshoeing 944 6.55 G. Kellogg etc. oil & liniment for team 945 4.44 Seattle Co operative Society Candles 946 .60 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt. Co Gas No. 112 $343.60 J.H. May Attending lights 113 54.40 Fire Fund W.A. Perry Engineeer #1 No. 531 $75. James Dunham Engineer #2 532 75. F.B. Cooper Repairing Machinery 533 4. Wm. Clark Washing hose 534 6. Anthony La Brasche Washing hose 535 6. Frank Beattie Washing hose 536 6. James Clark Washing hose 537 3. J.W. Flood Washing hose 538 3.