City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Timothy Ryan


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Mr. President Your committee on Sewers and Drainage to whom was referred Petition of Miles Galliher and others for a sewer on High and Lombard Streets. Beg leave to report unfavorble

Timothy Ryan Chairman. J.M. LyonCommittee

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Petition 74B Of Jno. G. Terry et al for Water Main on Bismark and Harrison Streets

Fire + Water Favorable R H Calligan Timothy Ryan J. E. Crichton

adopted 12-13-97 JEC TR

Fir + W

Last edit about 5 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


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To the Hon. Board of Public Works We the undersigned residents and Taxpayers in the vicinity of the locations mentioined below petition your Hon Body for str. lights of thirty two candle power. at the Cor of Sparks and Williamson at the Cor of Prince William & Williamson at the Cor of Eaton & Williamson at the Cor of Crawford & Williamson at the Cor of Barclay & Houston at the Cor of Eaton and Broadway at the Cor of Prince William & Houston at the Cor of Kenney & Eaton at the Cor of Eaton & Houston at the Cor of Crawford & Houston W W Easter H S Turner Wm Lyset Benj Streetch J S Upper J A Gould Timothy Ryan John Sylton John C Kanoney M E Hays Mr K Coyle A Butzka H G Smith J A Malan John Dowling J R Walan Jas McGough R Larsen Philip Kenney John Cody Bernard Finnigan C B Morrow Jerry W Seatt J H Riggs W E Gordner John Kenney John Slattery Thomas Fitzgerald

To Council

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


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Your Committee on Sewers and Drainage to whom was referred Petition of E. A. Smith and others for a Sewer on 14th Street have carefully examined the same and beg leave to report unfavorable

Timothy Ryan Chairman M. J. Cook Committee. J. M. Lyon

[pencil: adopted 10-18-92]

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


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370 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 6 1888 Miscellaneous Ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds be instructed to examine and report upon the necessity for enlarging the Powder Magazine. Bids for Bell Street Improvement. Bids for improving Bell Street from Front St to West Street were opened & read as follows: Parker & Orr Earthwork per cubic yard 35 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand] $17.00 Grubbing & Clearing pr acre $120.00 Timothy Ryan Earthwork per cubic yard 33 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand] $16.00 Box Drains per M [thousand] $17.00 Grubbing & Clearing pr acre $100.00 M O'Day Earthwork per cubic yard 32 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand] $17.00 Box Drains per M [thousand] $17.00 Grubbing & Clearing pr acre $100.00 Henderson & Lock Earthwork per cubic yard 26 cents Sidewalks per M [thousand] $16.00 Box Drains per M [thousand] $16.00 Grubbing & Clearing whole amount $15.00 On motion the contract is awarded to Henderson & Lock upon their filing a bond in the sum of $500.00 said bond is conditioned as to protect laborers & parties furnishing materials. On motion the matter of the surveyor's final estimate on the North end of 7th Street is referred to the Street Committee & Judiciary Committee with instructions to report at an adjourned

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 11 in total