The State of Utah vs. Joe Hill

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Hon Wm. Spry, Governor of Utah

This appeal is directed to the Board of Pardons in behalf of Joseph Hillstrom, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, under sentence of death in the Utah Penitentiary. We have read and heard something of the case: 1st. We do not believe Joseph Hillstrom guilty of the crime for which he has been convicted. 2nd. We do not believe that he had a fair trial. 3rd. We have learned that the jurors were not selected in the usual way. 4th. The defendant was practically without council when he was on trial for his life. 5th. No motive was shown for the crime of which he was convicted. 6th. The conviction was found upon the flimsiest kind of circumstantial evidence. Believing these to be the facts, we the undersigned, demand that the death sentence in the case of Joseph Hillstrom be set aside and clemency extended. Name Address Ed Ryan 2824 Arlhingten??? Mm Rogers 1152 M????? H Morgan 3050 Lyman St H Walker Chicago Jr McKay Chicago Hary Gibson Chicago H Hoffman Chicago J.H Smith 1424 S St??? P.J. Manoruz Elk. Hubee Chicago Josin Dooffkorn1056 Wallerav??hgo W Lewis 660 State St

Last edit about 3 years ago by dlabau
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