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James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 46

p. 46

Sept 24th. Sent home from [struck through: Nov]Aug 13th till Nov 5th

Nov. 5th. Arrived at Garden reach. Ferris waiting. got to government place to dinner at 7 o'clock. Sailors of the Nile exhibiting Guy Fawkes.

Nov. 6th. Went down to the "Candia" in the morning. [struck through: drove] Carried in a palanquin most of the day. looked for Doveton College taken to Medical & Hindoo Colleges.

Nov. 7th. Went down to Garden Reach in a garry. got Dr. Barrys boxes into an open cart. met Egan Walter McDakin. Went to Fort. William with Egan then to Wilsons [written between lines: Called on Smith saw McLaren & Bruce ] Saunders going up country in the eveng.

Nov 8th. At the Scotch Church in the fore noon with Y. Barry. Sacrament at the church. Went to the fort in the vening. saw McDakin wrote note to Dr. Barry about E.I. Corps.

Nov. 9th. Received note from Barry. Offered Govt. appoint. prefer staying with Barry. to it. Met Smith McLaren Bruce at the post office went home with

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 138

p. 138

Saturday Oct. 23rd. 1858.

During the last month have still continued on bd. [board] the "Proserpine" the weather has been very hot & close we have has another trip to Kyauk Phyoo & Sandoway the latter to take Mrs. Beddy up there. Have sent home Rs 100 for RL and a letter by each mail Received a letter from Jessie at Kyauk Phyoo August date. Wrote on the 18th Just to Barry McLaren house in answer to Jessies letter & an offer of service up county from the D.I. & the Govr. in Chief. have been atteg. Edith Mg. & Eg. Strong breeze of wind last night. No word from Fred or K yet.

Nov 5th. 1858

This afternoon the proclamation of the Queen was read by the

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 200
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p. 200

says Dadson has retd. from the Cape Called on Smith at Doveton College going up to Serampore in a fort night to be Editor of the Friend of India Mrs. I Child gone home & McLaren with Dysentery. Called back at S T Ho. returned on bd. at 5 Dibbs going out for a drive in a Buggy & take little Willie Law home went up with them Called at S T Ho. Dibbs went to Call on Dicey wenr up stair to wait Dibbs retd. about 8 took a drive round & went on bd. Cassiagni came on bd. & stayed all night met Beckett in going out this mg. said he was going on ev did not go. Mail sr. arrived

Sunday Feby. 13th. 1859==

Up at Sunrise buggy ordered for 10 to go up to Church late of coming went up with Dibbs

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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