Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Sagar Island

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 53
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p. 53

dropped from the quarter of the ship & the native succeeded in taking hold of it. 6 seconds longer & he would have been lost. This forenoon made visits round the sick men found most of them improving. 2 men however still remain in a precarious state.

19th Left Kedgeree in tow of the Sydney past Saugor island between 12 & 1 oclock. lost sight of land at 2. OClock. Pilot went left at 4 oclock. I sent letters for home stating that I was of to the Cape & that Barry was to draw my pay & remit Cos. Rs. 50 monthly. Wrote to Fred Bessie & Kate I. This Afternoon boy fell overboard from boat. [illegible?] and bravely lines dropped for him but he struck out from the ship Lascars would scarely help to save him but on being Shouted to from our ship they reached him an oar As soon as he got into the boat he

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 121
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p. 121

at intervals of 1/2 an hour. 2 or 3 hard squalls. pilot cam on board about 9 oclock both shipd being hove to. knocked about all night good stiff squalls at intervals. Went to bed at 11 oclock

Monday June 29th. 1858

Got under weigh between 7 & 8 this morning passed a good many ships in tow of steamers a good stiff breeze blowing from the westward. Saugor Island sighted at 11 oclock What news will there be in Calcutta from home I am almost afraid to think God grant that all may be well (pilot Lord) News from India still fighting Sir Colin in disrepute (still in the daudrums) sitting opposite the Capt. at 12 oclock writing this he calls for some Mth. Asks pills to take some pains he has had blew a stiff squall from the N.W. this afternoon. Carried away fore yard & tore all set sail to shivers

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
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