Pages That Mention Madras
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
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On the left of Table Mountain is the Devils peak. (For what reason it has received the above euphonian title I know not) looking over the port side of the vessel is the Northern side of the bay & further out of the bay Robben Island. It is now eight months since I left home. Certainly the most eventful period of my past life. First nearly 3 months on the voyage to India, rather more than three months residence in Calcutta after seein Mauritius Palma Santa Cruz Ceylon Madras & now here we are in Table Bay. Certainly the pleasantest place I have seen since I left England and A place I should not have the slightest objection to settle down in. I must begin to write a long letter home today. The mail leaves about the 20th. & is due in England
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to be bound to China, did not answer our signals.
Friday June 25th. 1858.
Fine breeze going along 8 knots Capt. & I have not spoken all day. did not come to break fast. went below & saw the horses. Several of then looking dull & breathing hard. ought to be taken on deck immediately as the atmosphere is hot, close & Ammoniacal
Saturday June 26th. 1858
Up at 6 this morning. Stayed 1 1/2 hours on deck in my shirt weather heeps cool there being a nice breeze. We are today in the latitude of Madras. fine breeze still continuing & weather fine. Still in the daudrums [doldrums] with the skipper A lascar came to me last night for whom I had prescribed before. I gave him a couple of pills & told him to come to me this morning when I should give him some more medicine. i ordered him some Pulv Rhei Co. however I was told the Capt. had ordered him Quinine I suppose on the
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breakfast to write home to Fred & to Mrs. Knott at Madras & Barry. Very warm this Mg.
Wednesday Decr. 1st. 1858.
Busy this morning writing letters home. 12 oclock just sealed up one for Fred & went ashore for stamps to receive pay today.
Decr. 2nd. Thursday. 1858
went Ashore this morning to breakfast with the Capt. took 250 rupees with me and after break fast went with the Capt. to the treasury & got treasury draft for the same. was going on board afterwards but met Harper got into his buggy & called at Law's. Saw Mrs. Miss & Charlie. Called then on Hughden. Saw Mrs. H who had a great deal to say. Says she is a relation of Barrys. Called then at Johnsons met Stable Morris.
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Hind. went on board with Morris & the Gunner in the Schooners boat about 4 oclock dined & went ashore to see the Capts. Child again Mr & Mrs. H called while I was there Mrs. E promised to post letters for me & requested one. went on bd. wrote two letters one for Barry enclosing treasury draft for 250 rupees. & one to Mrs. Knott. Madras in answer to last march one. One home & one to Fred also written this forenoon. Sent the 4 ashore to the Capt. between 9 & 10 oclock
Friday Decr. 3rd. 1858
Left this morning at daylight to convey Capt. Faithful Majuthat to the Naafe river. Anchored at 4 oclock. Weather close & Cloudy all day. Mr. Law went ashore in the jolly boat. No report as to the landing place. Boat did
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to Scott Thomsons. got 4 letters Marys conts. the death of My dear dear Mother. retd. on bd. this day can never be effaced from memory.
Monday Feby. 14th. 1859
Went up to Scott Thomson's with the Gunner wrote a letter home & went to the N.W.Bank got a bill for £20. 10. Sent in letter to father retd. on bd. went on bd. the Tubal Cain saw the Madras Fusiliers embark for Madras went on bd. the Sydney. Saw Mr. Meloi Cf Officer.
Tuesday Feby. 15th. 1859.
Tubal Cain cleared out this mg. Cassiagni & Law left in her.
Wednesday Feby. 16th. 1859
Went into mooring below the crane. Beckett on bd. Called at the Captains last evg. at Mr. Corkes
17. '18. '19. Have remained on bd. nearly every day went on