University Records

Pages That Mention Samuel Eakin

Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877

Page Status Indexed


182 1865-6

[margin] April 20 1866 [/margin]

Queen's University (April 20th 1866)

The Senatus met and was constituted.

Sederunt Principal Snodgrass, Professors Williamson, Murray, and Mowat, and Rev. S. H. McKerras Lecturer in Classics.

[margin] Edmison, Fraser, Jardine, McLennan, recommended for M.A. [/margin]

The Theses of Henry Edmison, B.A., Peterborough, Donald Fraser, B.A., Glengarry, Robert Jardine, B.A., Brockville, William McLennan, B.A., Glengary were sustained according to the reports of the respective examiners, and it was agreed to recommend these four gentlemen to the Senate for the degree of M.A.

[margin] Jardine recommended B.D. [/margin]

On a review of the written examinations it was agreed to recommend to the Senate for the degree of B.D. Robert Jardine, B.A. Brockville; and for the degree of B.A. Rev. Duncan Morrison, Brockville, and the following students of the third year, named in the order of merit: 1. Nathan Fellowes Dupuis, Kingston with first class honours in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy: 2. Peter C. McGregor, Lanark: 3. Evan C.W. McColl, Kingston with first class honours in Moral Philosoply, and second class honours in Classics: 4. Robert Chambers N. Norwich, with second class honours in Classics: 5. Francis H. Chrysler, Bath, with second class honours in Moral Philosophy; 6. William Baldwell, Lanark: 8. Samuel Eakin, Markham; 9. Charles F. Ireland, Kingston: 7. Peter McLaren, Lanark.

On a review of the written examinations it was agreed to sustain the University Examinations of the following students named in the order of merit: [margin] Univ. Exam passed by Frasher, McGillivray, Ferguson, McBain, McLennan, McMorine Thompson, Gray [/margin]

Faculty of Theology Second Year: Donald Fraser, Daniel McGillivray, John Ferguson, and Alexander McBain First Year: William McLennan, Samuel McMorine, John R. Thompson, and James M. Gray

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