Pages That Mention J. A. Benton
Joseph A. Benton Collection
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No pleasure without beauty. Plenty comes not without toil – nor much beauty either.
All men may prosper – no very serious obstacles in their way out of themselves – God's bounties are everywhere. Fine
Tis not in mortals to command &c. [etc.] But we'll do more – deserve it.
Whatever you do – prosper in it – your duty – God com-mands it – he is not in your way – Cultivate your farm – fence your fields – adorn your garden yards – Paint your houses – Show thrift – Enter-prise – Spirit – manliness ~
[Postmark on left side in center] [E]XPRESS MAIL N. YORK AUG 1
[Written in ink and continued from previous page] J. A. Benton Rev Mr Gurensey Charlestown Mass [Massachusetts]
South Malden Jan. [January] 18. 1848.
My Dear Tarleton,
The people here have wished for some time to have Mr. Bullard spend one Sabbath with them. It is understood he will come next Sabbath the 23rd ~ I shall consequently be at liberty.
If you have made no different arrangements – I shall be happy to go for one Sunday only – for the present – up to Mason next Sun-day. The people, & I too, can then decide whether it is worth while [worthwhile] to think of my going again.
Please write me at Charlestown immediately how the matter stands. If other plans have been set in operation – it is all well. I knew nothing of this opportunity when I saw you. I do not know as this will reach you in season to complete the arrangement for this week – if not, let all remain as before.
In much haste –.
I am Heartily Yours
Preached at Sacramento, May 18:1856, [centered] by [centered] J. A. Benton. [centered] ~ [centered]
"First of Peter: 2:13 & 14. [centered]
13. "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord’s sake: whether it be unto the king as supreme; 14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him, for the punishment of evil-doers, and for the praise of them that do well."
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We live in exciting times. The waves of agitation lift themselves on every side. Now &, then they break over us. We feel them almost lifting us from our feet. And happy are we if they carry us not headlong.
The nature of laws & compacts, the binding force of legislative enactments, are matters of deep thought & earnest dis-cussion all over the land; from North to South, from ocean to ocean. On the other side of the Continent rage the turmoil & agitation growing out of recent repeals & new statutes concerning the organization of the national territories. And, to swell the roar of the tumult there, we hear already the note of preparation, the rush and gathering of the elements, the rumble in the hori-zon, of a storm at hand, to fill the skies, until scattered in November blasts, and another President is chosen.
Last edit over 2 years ago by California State Librarycams_benton_b029_f002_001
Yale College July 20th, 1847.
This certifies that Mr. J. A. Benton is a licentiate of the Association of the Western District of New Haven County. Since finishing his theological course of three years in this Seminary, he has been preaching with acceptance to the Churches in this vicinity. Regarding him as a young man of an excellent character, and of talents, which promise usefulness & success in the work of the Christian ministry, I heartily commend him to the Churches of Christ as one entitled to their confidence & kindness, wherever Providence may call him.
Nathaniel W. Taylor Prof. [Professor]: Didact. [Didactic] Theol [Theology]:
C A. Goodrich Prof [Professor] of Pastoral Charge