City of Seattle Records

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5 Parks Commissioners of the City of Seattle Dec 11 1890 Be it remembered that on this the 11th Day of Dec ad 1890 the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle meet pursuant to Adjournment on the New City Hal at roll Call the following Members are present: A Barkley W E Burgess and Chas Evans Depty City Clk C K Drorm The following proceedings are had to wit: Minutes of the last meeting read & approved. The report of Comptroller C W Ferris stating the amt of money (estimated) for Park purposes was read and ordered placed on file. Chairman Jones sttaed that Mr Bailey & himself as the committee appointed to confer with the County Commissioners inthe regard to securing land for Park Purposes, had consulted with Mr. Gasch chg of the Counts Com's and that he had promised then his hearty support in the matter that he had recommended a committee of prominent Citizens be requested to confer with the Park Com's with a view to securing suitable grounds. He stated that schoollands could be bought at from 100 to 150 per acre in 10 equal payments with 6% interest.

Last edit about 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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