Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Mr. Henricks

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 168
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p. 168

coming in on all sides that tigers are in the neigbourhood several natives been killed & in Hospital at Sandoway one man walked off with out of his house & dragged royds. Henricks a German Merchant came on bd. today between 11 & 12 for advice give him medicine asked me to go up to Sandoway & promised to send a poney to ride up on. remained on board all today reading Highlands & Islands of Scotland Farady paura very prolific in Children. a great many buffaloes. [written between lines] Capt. asked me to walk out with Mrs. E but I [?] did not feel inclined Capt. went out shooting.

Tuesday Jany. 4th. 1859

Went out before sunrise this morning for a walk with Capt. & Mrs. Eales. Capt. took his gun landing place very muddy. Went partly through the village full of Buffaloes & pariah dogs the former seemed nuch frightened at our

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 174
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p. 174

Henricks a German tobacco Mercht [Merchant] he had one poney with saddle which the Capt. got. & rode after the Comrs. party. I remained with Mr. Henricks all day & was kindly treated by him. breakfasted & dined there. Beddy sent his Sala[a]m to me as soon as the party arrived. Henricks & I went down to the river to go across in a canoe. Henricks got in first & I in getting in put my foot on the gunwale it capsised Henricks jumped out. the Canoe was half filled & kept filling. it went down with the native & I We swam ashore but had got a jolly good ducking. Went up to Henricks immediately & changed my clothes there Crossed in a large boat. bid Henricks goodbye at Beddy's & he promised to

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 175
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p. 175

send down a poney to Todypaura for my use while we remained there We dined at Beddy's. Mr. & Mrs. Beddy, the Capt. & I. Cassiagni Mick Paul & Grady. All very Aquable. Capt. & I left a little after nine & went down in the Gig. Mixture produced emesis on the road down combined with a cheroot got on bd. about 1/2 past 10 & turned in

Monday Jany. 10th. 1859

Up at six. Wrote a note to Henricks for the Capt. Asking use of his house & sent back the clothes I got from him yesterday. Henricks came on bd. after dinner. told the Capt. he might have his house. went down to try to go up the Creek in the paddle box boat. Could not find sufficient water. only took a

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 176
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p. 176

man up to the Kaea at the entrance. returned on bd. & had a dispute about the word at motion turning.

Tuesday Jany. 11th. 1859

Capt. Mrs. Eales & Edith went up to Sandoway this mg. to take up quarters on shore while the ship was being painted. reading the Pacha of Many Tales today. the poney promised by Henricks has come down & is on shore beside the Creek for me. Bowen & Dibbs went ashore shooting. I went ashore at 5 & rode about 2 miles in the direction of Sandoway, through paddy fields Saw the Cutter Coming from Sandoway from which place it had been with the Captain. returned at dusk to the Creek & went on bd. in the PB. boat told the Sigee through the boat & wallah to come in the mg. at 5.30

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 184
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p. 184


natives about erar all busy drinking tody. the Sandoway party returned on ponies Dibbs went back to the ship in the jolly I had my poney waiting on the other side of the Creek & returned on that. locked Dibbs in the Q Galley at night for sport in a great rage [underscored] came out with lots of abuse laughter at it threatened irons &ce.

Sunday Jany. 16th. 1859

Up between 5 & 7 this morning Very foggu could not see five yds. ahead. went on shore for a ride rode over to the creek. back to the ship about 8. remained on bd. all day. Dibbs went up to Sandoway after dinner & dined with the Capt. [written above:]Henricks sent sent down for my poney as the Capt. & he are going into the Country tomorrow. to be brough down again tomorrow.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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