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James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 198
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p. 198

River Hooghly

& Miss H on deck. had a Chat with old Fielder. Passes the "Belgravia" off Saugor in tow of Fire Queen. Saw Wade on the forecastle. Old Wharton came out of the wheel house waved not near enough to speak. Passed the mail steamer "Simla" & a good many ships on their way down wards. Anchored below Culpee Went aft about 8 had a chat with Capt. Mrs. E & Miss H.

Thursday Feby. 10th. 1859

Up about 6 Fine cool mg. Got under weigh at daylight strong ebb tide. day very hot. arrived in Calcutta about 5 ocl. went on shore took a packee called at Ferris's no letters. took dinner then met Dr. Votch of Edinr. Wm. White taking Barry's place Mrs. Ferris Capt. & Mrs. McDonald

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 214
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p. 214

OClock had four beer walked on the roof smoked a cheroot with Philips looked out for the YL opposite. Wade left about 11 thrashed Beda Charley Philips got a blowing up after I got up staris by the back room stairs.

Monday March14th. 1859

Up about 6. went down to Kidderpore in a packee. went on board the "Proserpine" arranged with Dibbs about pay. went on bd. the "Belgravia" Met Wharton stopped & took breakfast with him went down on bd. the "Ivanhoe" in the "Belgravias" Ding[h]y Capt. gone ashore. went back to the "Belgravia" waited for Wharton went ashore with him saw his poneys in the Dockyard Called with hin on Old Linton in Middleton Row Wharton

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 215
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p. 215

had a long chat with him told him he would get troops home I got a certificate from him about having charge of troops. Called then at Capt. Eales gave him a Certificate in a rage at Wharton not bringing up a poney from Burmah for him. bid Capt. & Mrs. E good bye went to Cork's Saw a lot of Wharton's poneys some of the selling well went to Wilson's had tiffin with Wharton Called at Patersons office Capt. not there went on bd. a old ship of Some's called Mary Stuart Capt. & his wife on bd. left Wharton & walked up to my lodgings. played whist with Mrs. Philips Mrs. Campbell Miss Ogilvie, had a gB in my room at night with Philips Asked Wharton to dine with me tomorrow.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 216
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p. 216

Tuesday March 15th. 1859

Wnt on bd. the "Ivanhoe" this morning Saw the Capt. promised to let me have £40- said I would see him at paterson's during the day. went on board the "Proserpine" breakfasted there with the Doctor Pyster Bowen & Dibbs bid them adieu. went on board the Huganout & another ship to look at the Cabins for Mrs. Walton went to my lodgings told Mrs. Walton of the Cabins. remained at home most of the day. Wharton came to dinner After dinner Capt. of Ivanhoe called met him upstairs with Wharton [Struck through: he gave me 100 rupee] [struck through: note went] told me to call at patersons & I would get 100 rupee note. went with Wharton to Patersons. Wharton advised

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 217
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p. 217

me to get bill for full amount Capt. not fond of giving perseved [persevered?] give me one on Condition of giving satisfaction. would not have given me another £30 for Medical Services &c went to the Exchange with Wharton drove home went & had tea bade Wharton good bye expecting he would soon follow to England had tea after got [struck through: a] parcels & letters from Mrs. Millers Sang a song or two with Miss Miller & Miss O An Old Scotsman sang a lot of Scotch songs. bid them all Goodbye. Gave Charley Philips my gun for 3 rupees.

Wednesday March 16th. 1859.

Up before 6 went to China Choke to get some blankets & shoes with C Philip & William Ogilvie tried to get Change of a 100 rupee note

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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