Pages That Mention Smith, Timothy Dwight
Hanover Cemetery/ Dartmouth Cemetery Association Journals
after increased by vote of the Association
Article 4. Assessments may be raised from time to time, provided that, in no case shall the assessments of any one year exceed fifty per cent on the original value of the shares.
Article 5. The first meeting of this Association shall be holden at the Vestry near Dartmouth College on the at seven o'clock afternoon, and public notices of the same shall be given by posting up notices thereof at the Post Office in said Hanover, and at said Vestry two days previous to said meeting.
Article 6. This Association may, from time to time, adopt such by-laws and regulations as may be thought expedient.
Article 7. The provisions of this Association shall not be binding unless forty shares are subscribed on or before the day of holding the first meeting.
Article 8. In case of the dissolution of this Association, the lands purchased for the purposes of the Cemetery shall remain perpetually dedicated for the burial of the dead.
Wm H. Duncan 5 . 33 | Two Shares |
Chr. B. Haddock | Two Shares |
Samuel Long 6 | One Share | Danl Blaisdell 38 . 42 | Two Shares |
Joseph Emerson Jr. 30 | One Share | Ira Young 10 . 8 | Two Shares |
William Tenny 18 | One Share | Timo. Dwight Smith 32 | One Share |
John Demman 22 | One Share | Jabez A. Douglas 28 | One Share |
Salmon Dow 9 | One Share | L. P. Morton 16 | One Share |
S. L. G. Chamberlain [14] | One Share | Alfred Morse 35 | One Share |
A. P. Webster 26 | One Share | S. G. Brown 20 | One Share |
Dixi Crosby 15 . 12 | Two Shares |
Aphhs Crosby | Three Shares 37 . 31 . 17 |
N. Lord 13 | Two Shares .2 |
M. B. Peabody 19 | Two Shares .23 |
E. R. Peaslee 25 | One Share |
E. D. Sanborn 3 | One Share |
William Pardee 41 | One Share |
Tho. P. Hile 17 | One Share |
Susan B. Brewster | Two Shares 39 . 20 |
Jonathan Freeman 161/2 | One Share |
Horace Frary 36 | One Share |
S. Chase 11 | One Share |
F. A. Haines 21 | One Share |
E. K. Smith 34 | One Share |
John Richards 18 | One Share |
A. P. Balch 4 | One Share |
R. Shurtleff 1 . 19 | Two Shares |
W. A. Ruggles 29 | One Share |
A. B. Closson 24 | One Share |
J. N. Putnam | One Share |
Wm Coffey | One Share |
JB Torricelli | One Share |
I. Otis Dewey | One Share |
1. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and Five Directord, who, together, shall constitute a Board for the transaction of the business of the Association: five shall form a quorum: And they shall hold their offices for one year, or until others are appointed in their places.
2. The Board of Directors shall superintend all improvements in the grounds appropriated to the Cemetery; shall divide the cemetery into lots; shall, under the direction of the Association, assign a lot to each share; shall select the places of interment for persons not interested in a particular lot; shall cause each lot to be numbered, & a plan of the whole cemetery made out; shall collect & appropriate all assessments ordered by the Association; and shall cause the acts of the Directors, & all burials to be recorded in separate Books by the Secretary; and shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in the Offices of the Association.
3. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association, of the second Monday of April, & such other meetings as the Directors may, from time to time, call. At the annual meeting, the Officers of the Society shall be elected, the annual Report of the Directors read, & any other business, pertaining to the objects of
the Association transacted. Meetings of the Association shall be duly notified by the Secretary.
According to a vote of the Association, a Committee of two was appointed by the Chairman, to nominate Officers. This Committee reported the following list of Officers, who were, by vote of the Association, elected: viz.
Rev. N. Lord D. D. President William Tenny Vice President Stephen Chase Secretary Joseph Emerson Jr. Treasurer Rev. C. B. Haddock D. D.\ Timothy D. Smith\ Prof. I. Young > Directors Alfred Morse Esq./ Prof. S. G. Brown/
Dr. Lord asked to be excused from serving as President, and Daniel Blaisdell Esq. was elected President of the Association.
Voted that the Directors divide the Cemetery into lots, as prescribed by the second section of the Bylaws, & assign one of the said portions of ground to each share; determining by lot the order of choice by the holders of the several shares.
Voted, on motion of Dr. Lord, that the Directors be authorized to buy land in addition to that intended to be bought
Voted to proceed to the choice of Officers.
The following persons were elected; viz.
Daniel Blaisdell Esq., President. William Tenny, Vice President. Stephen Chase, Secretary. Joseph Emerson Jr., Treasurer. Rev. C. B. Haddock DD.\ Col. T. D. Smith \ Prof. I. Young > Directors -- Alfred Morse Esq. / Prof. S. G. Brown /
Voted to commend to the Directors, the subject of an Address before the Association.
Voted, that this meeting be dissolved.
S. Chase, Secretary.
April 13. 1846.
The Association having failed to hold its annual meeting for the present year, application was made to A. G. Brewster, Esquire, a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton, to call a meeting; in consequece of which application, he, the said A. G. Brewster Esquire issued his warrant requiring S. Chase, one of the petitioners, to warn a meeting of this corporation. Which application & warrant were as follows. (See file E.)
"To Augustus G. Brewster Esquire, a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton.
The Subscribers, owners of one twentieth part of the stock or property of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association, represent, that said Corporation has failed to hold its annual meeting of the members of said Corporation, to be held at the Vestry in Hanover on Monday, the 8th day of November next at seven o'clock, afternoon, for the purpose of acting on the following subjects.
1st To choose a President, Vice President, Secretary, Teasurer, & five Directors.
2d To see if said association will vote to make an assessment on the shares for the purpose of improving the Cemetery -
3d To transact any other necessary business.
Hanover Octr 23, 1847. Danl Blaisdell S. Chase
The State of New Hampshire
Grafton [?] To Stephen Chase of said Hanover;
Whereas application has been made to me Augustus G. Brewster a Justice of the Peace for said County of Grafton, as above; You are,
VERSO: 20.
therefore required to warn a meeting of said corporation, to be held at the time & place, & for the purposes mentioned in said application, by publishing a copy of said application, & of this warrant fourteen days, in the same manner, as is provided for warning the annual meeting of said corporation. And make return of this warrant at said time & place of meeting. Dated the .
A. O. Brewster, Justice of the Peace."
Accompanying the aforesaid application & warrant, was the following return: "I have, this day, published the within application for a meeting of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association & warrant requiring me to warn said meeting, by posting a copy of said application & warrant at the Post Office in said Hanover at least fourteen days previous to the time of this meeting. S. Chase
Hanover . The copy above mentioned, remained posted at the Post Office, & was taken down by me, this evening, being the evening of the sd. meeting. S. Chase."
A copy of the aforesaid application & warrant has also been returned to the Secretary, with the following certificate. "The within copy of application & warrant I have published as directed fourteen days by posting it at the Post Office in said Hanover, on the 23d day of October, & causing it to remain so posted until the time of the said meeting. S. Chase.
Hanover .
RECTO: 21.
At a meeting holden at the time & place, & for the purpose mentioned in the aforesaid application & warrant, & notified as above specified, the President of the Association being in the Chair. The following persons, being officers of the Association for the past year, were re-elected for the current year. viz.
Daniel Blaisdale Esq. | President |
William Tenny | Vice President |
Stephen Chase | Secretary |
Joseph Emerson Jr. | Treasurer |
Rev. Dr. Haddock | |
Col. T. D. Smith | |
Prof. I. Young | Directors |
Alfred Morse Esq. | |
Prof. S. G. Brown |
Hanover .
The Association met according to adjournment; the President in the chair. No business being proposed for formal action. Voted to adjourn without day.
The meeting was accordingly dissolved.
S. Chase, Secretary
Agreeably to the provisions of the third article of the Bylaws, the Annual Meeting of the Association was holden on Monday, , at 7 o'clock P.M. having been duly notified by the Secretary by posting up at the Post Office in Hanover a suitable time before the said meeting, the following notice: viz.
The Stockholders of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association are hereby notified that the annual meeting of said Association]will be holden at the Vestry near Dartmouth College on Monday, April 10, at 7 o'clock P. M.
S. Chase, Secretary
The President being out of town, Prof Brown was called to preside. Voted to adjourn to Monday, .
S. Chase, Secretary
April 10. 1848.
Monday April 24. Met according to adjournment; the meeting opened by the President.
Voted to adjourn to Monday .
S. Chase, Sec.
The Association met according to adjournment; the meeting opened by the President.
Voted to adjourn to Monday
S. Chase, Sec.
May 1. 1848.
The Association met according to adjournment. The Secretary being absent, A. O. Brewster was chosen Secretary pro tem.
The report of the Directors was read (File C).
Voted to proceed to the choice of Officers.
The following persons were elected; viz.
Danial Blaisdell Esq. | President |
William Tenny | Vice President |
S. Chase | Secretary |
J. Emerson Jr. | Treasurer |
Rev. Dr. Haddock | |
Col. T. D. Smith | |
Rev. Dr. Richards | Directors. |
Alfred Morse Esq. | |
Prof. S. G. Brown |