University Records

Pages That Mention School of Mining

The Domesday Book of Queen's University (Volume 2) 1900-1924

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University to the place, and also to the Province and the Dominion, made a gift of $50,000.00 to be used in the erection of an additional building which was much needed, and which was, later, named the Kingston Hall. This valuable gift was duly and gratefully acknowledged by the Board, and cordial thanks given to the city, and to all the friends who had helped in the undertaking. Steps were, at once, taken by the Board to proceed to the erection of the building, which, when completed, would be the home of the Faculty of Arts.

The School of Mining, successful from the first, having out-grown its quarters, the Board of Governors submitted the following proposition to the Trustees:

(1) That if Queen's University would erect a building suitable for the use of the School, to be erected from plans satisfactory to the University, the School of Mining, and the Lieutenant Governor in Council, said building to cost, exclusive of the site $30,000 to $40,000, the Board of Governors, of the School, would agree to lease said building for the space of ninety-nine years, paying therefor as rental 6% on the cost of construction, the Lessors to keep said building in repair. (2) In the event of a Power House and Plant being erected as contemplated by the University, the Governors of the School of Mining will be prepared to pay the cost of supplying power, heat and light to the Mining School Buildings, the amount to be equitably adjusted by agreement between the parties.


Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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The government of the Province had granted the annual rental of the new building asked for.

The Board of the University, by resolution, agreed to consider carefully the proposal of the School of Mining, as set forth in the resolution of its Governors and the Building Committee, with the addition of the Chairman, was to take such action as might be deemed advisable.

The pressure for more room was becoming general. The next call came from the Medical Department, asking that the building occupied by it be enlarged at a cost of about $10,000, building arrangements and management to be mutually agreed upon by the University and the Medical Faculty. Terms were accepted.

After careful consideration of the proposal of the School of Mining, as to the building required, the Board instructed the Finance Committee, with the addition of Professor Dupuis and Goodwin, to proceed with the enlargement of said building, on the terms set forth in their resolutions.

Next, comes the weighty question of the suggested change in the Constitution of the University.

A Convention of the Trustees, Senate, Council, Graduates, Alumni and Benefactors of the University, was held Nov. 12, 1900, to consider the proposed changes in the Charter which were submitted by the Trustees at the last General Assembly; and it was resolved as follows:


Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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