Pages That Mention Folger
Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 3) 1863-1887
October 5 1881. 4 J.J. Douglas} 5. J. U. Dupuis } equal 6. J. A. Hooper 7. U. U. Shorner 8. W. O. Chamberlain 9. N. S. ?rader 10. W. J. Drummond 11. J. S. McCallough 12. H. Folger 13. W. Clyde 14. J. H. ? 15. J. J. 16. 17. 18. 19. A. D. Cartwright
A meeting of the subscribers towards the foundation of a Women's Medical College in Kingston for the purpose of organization was held in the City Hall on 25th June 1883.
Mr. Wm Harty was asked to take the chair.
Moved by A. P. Knight seconded by R. V. Rogers That there shall be fourteen provisional trustees of the Kingston Women's Medical College, at least five of whom shall be ladies [underline] Carried [/underline]
Moved by Dr. Grant and seconded by E. J. B. Pense. That it shall be the duty of the provisional trustees to appoint their own Officers and also a staff for the said College, to obtain incorporation and attend to all other matters connected with the organization of the Institution that may be found necessary. [underline] Carried [/underline]
Moved by Mr R. V. Rogers and seconded by Mr Rose that the meeting now proceed to ballot for Provisional Trustees and that Messrs Knight and Pense be appointed to act as scrutineers for the purposes of the ballot. [underline] Carried [/underline]
After counting the ballots the following were declared Elected Provisional Trustees.
A. P. Knight, J. Carruthers, E. J. B. Pense, H Folger, Hon G A Kirkpatrick Sir R J. Cartwright, W Harty A Green, R. V. Rogers, Mrs Wm Trout Mrs Britton, Mrs W. Harty, Mrs Dickson and Miss Gildersleeve
Kingston September 18th 1883
A meeting of the Board was held today at which were present Sir Richard Cartwright, Dr Lavell, A.P. Knight, R.J. Rogers, H. Folger, Mrs Dickson, Miss Gildersleeve and Mrs B.M. Britton
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
Dr Lavell reported that he had filled the chairs declared vacant as follows.
Institutes of Medicine etc - D. Phelan M.D. Anatomy etc. - R. W. Garrett M.D.
He also reported on the estimated cost of appliances, furniture etc at a total of $250.00
Resolved that the Board concede the same priviliges to Miss Oliver and others as were conceded to them by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons last session as regards reduced fees.
Resolved that the duty of heating and furnishing rooms &c be delegated to Dr Lavell, Wm Harty and A. P. Knight
Resolved that Dr Lavell be authorized to engage a janitor
Resolved that R.V. Rogers be authorizuel to get a stock book signed by all subscribers and that said subscribers be asked to make their annual subscriptions payable the first of October instead of the first of November
A Meeting of the Trustees of the Ladies Medical College was held on the 24th of March 1884.
Present Mr. and Mrs. Harty, R.V Rogers, E.J.B Pense, H. Folger, Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. Britton and Miss Gildersleeve and the Registrar.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The Registrar notified the Board that the Trustees of Queen's University had agreed to grant the same terms to the Ladies Medical College as are accorded to the Royal Collegeas regards Graduation, Registration &c.
The Graduates' letter was read re Scholarships, asking the Board to apply the amount of the Scholarship for this year to be invested in appliances for the teaching of Obstetrics. Resolved that the Board gratefully accepts the handsome offering of the proceeds of the Kingston Ladies College Scholarship for the present Session, and will apply the same as desired in the purchase of additional apparatus.
Moved by R.V Rogers and seconded by Mr. Pense that the question of the amount of salary to be paid Dr. Fenwick and Demonstrators of Anatomy be left to the Dean and Vice Chairman.
Statement of Finances submitted showing balance on hand of $219.37
Resolved that the Vice Chairman Mr. Rogers, Mr Knight, Mrs. Dickson
The Annual Meeting of the Women's Medical College, Kingston was held in the City Council Chambers at 3 oclock P.M. on the 4th December 1884.
Present Wm Harty Esq., Mrs Harty, Miss Dickson (for Mrs Dickson), EJB Pense, AP Knight, RM Rose, RV Rogers, Mrs Macnee vers
Minutes of last Annual Meeting read and approved.
The Registrar read Trustees report for Past year. The Treasurers financial Statement was also read for the past year showing a balance on hand of $287.32.
Moved by RV Rogers, and seconded by EJB Pense, that the Trustees Annual report and the Treasurers Statement be adopted, Carried.
Moved by RV Rogers and seconded by EJB Pense, that the number of Trustees be fifteen, Carried.
Messrs Knight and McArthur were appointed scrutineers.
Voting then took place for Election of Trustees resulting as follows Sir RJ Cartwright, Hon Geo A Kirkpatrick, Alex Gunn MP, Mr Wm Harty, EJB Pense, RV Rogers, H Folger, John Carruthers, AP Knight, Mrs Wm Harty, Mrs Macnee, Mrs Britton, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Trout, and Miss Gildersleeve.