Pages That Mention Trout
A meeting of the subscribers towards the foundation of a Women's Medical College in Kingston for the purpose of organization was held in the City Hall on 25th June 1883.
Mr. Wm Harty was asked to take the chair.
Moved by A. P. Knight seconded by R. V. Rogers That there shall be fourteen provisional trustees of the Kingston Women's Medical College, at least five of whom shall be ladies [underline] Carried [/underline]
Moved by Dr. Grant and seconded by E. J. B. Pense. That it shall be the duty of the provisional trustees to appoint their own Officers and also a staff for the said College, to obtain incorporation and attend to all other matters connected with the organization of the Institution that may be found necessary. [underline] Carried [/underline]
Moved by Mr R. V. Rogers and seconded by Mr Rose that the meeting now proceed to ballot for Provisional Trustees and that Messrs Knight and Pense be appointed to act as scrutineers for the purposes of the ballot. [underline] Carried [/underline]
After counting the ballots the following were declared Elected Provisional Trustees.
A. P. Knight, J. Carruthers, E. J. B. Pense, H Folger, Hon G A Kirkpatrick Sir R J. Cartwright, W Harty A Green, R. V. Rogers, Mrs Wm Trout Mrs Britton, Mrs W. Harty, Mrs Dickson and Miss Gildersleeve
to the duties of the position.
Dr Lavell made an interim report upon the allotment of professorships but the appointments were referred to the next meeting of the Board. The Committee upon class-room accommodation reported that Ontario Hall was the only room in the city building suited for the purpose of a College and that the special committee delegated to the City Council ask for its use.
Adjourned till Tuesday July 24th at 8 P.M.
Sig. EJB Pense, Actg Secretary Sig. Wm Harty, Vice-Chairman
July 24th 1883
At the third Meeting there were present Wm Harty, Vice-Chairman, Hon. GA Kirkpatrick, EJB Pense, Mrs Dickson, Miss Gildersleeve
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
An offering of a $50.00 scholarship from Mrs D Trout was received and gratefully acknowledged.
Mrs Dickson and Miss Gildersleeve were requested to solicit subscriptions of two more scholarships in order to make Mrs Trout's available.
Dr Lavell reported in favor of the following appointments to the Faculty
Obstetrics & Diseases of W & C. - Dr M Lavell Surgery - Dr M Sullivan
The Annual Meeting of the Women's Medical College, Kingston was held in the City Council Chambers at 3 oclock P.M. on the 4th December 1884.
Present Wm Harty Esq., Mrs Harty, Miss Dickson (for Mrs Dickson), EJB Pense, AP Knight, RM Rose, RV Rogers, Mrs Macnee vers
Minutes of last Annual Meeting read and approved.
The Registrar read Trustees report for Past year. The Treasurers financial Statement was also read for the past year showing a balance on hand of $287.32.
Moved by RV Rogers, and seconded by EJB Pense, that the Trustees Annual report and the Treasurers Statement be adopted, Carried.
Moved by RV Rogers and seconded by EJB Pense, that the number of Trustees be fifteen, Carried.
Messrs Knight and McArthur were appointed scrutineers.
Voting then took place for Election of Trustees resulting as follows Sir RJ Cartwright, Hon Geo A Kirkpatrick, Alex Gunn MP, Mr Wm Harty, EJB Pense, RV Rogers, H Folger, John Carruthers, AP Knight, Mrs Wm Harty, Mrs Macnee, Mrs Britton, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Trout, and Miss Gildersleeve.
A Meeting of the Trustees of the Womens Medical College was held in the City Council Chambers on 28th May at 3 o'Clock P.M.
Present Wm Harty, Esq, RV Rogers, EJB Pense, Dr Knight, Mrs Dickson,
The minutes of the last meeting of Trustees was read, approved and signed.
A letter from Dr Saunders was read resigning the Professorship of Practice of Medicine: also one from the Dean recommending the appointment of Dr TM Fenwick to the position rendered vacant by Dr Saunders resignation.
Moved by Mr Rogers & seconded by Mr Pense that Dr Saunders resignation be accepted.
Ordered that Dr TM Fenwick be appointed to the Chair of practice of medicine at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars per session.
Ordered that Dr Smith Shortt be appointed to the Chair of Medical Jurisprudence and Sanitary Science, as a salary of one hundred dollars per session
Ordered that Woodcuts of the Dean, Dr Alice McGillvray, Dr Smith Shortt, Dr JK Trout, Dr Beattie, and Dr Oliver be inserted in the next issue of the Calendar.
The Whig account of $54.20 to April 30/87 ws ordered to be paid.
The meeting then adjourned.
RJ Cartwright.
A Meeting of the Trustees of Women's Medical College was held in the City Council Chambers on 2nd June/88 at 3 o'clock afternoon.
Present Messrs Wm Harty, RV Rogers, Dr Knight, Mrs Dickson and Mrs Dr McGillvray
The minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed
Communications were read from Dr JK Trout and Dr ER Beatty, India.
Ordered that a paragaraph be inserted in the daily papers stating that Dr JK Trout has offered ten dollars ($10) annually towards founding a first years scholarship and enquiring whether some Kingston Ladies will also contribute towards the same object.
Ordered that in response to Dr Beatty's request the Mannikin be sent to India to assist in teaching Anatomy to the native women who desire to study medicine.
Ordered that the Treasurer make out a Statement of fees for Clinical Surgery and Medicine received by him during session of 1887/88
Ordered the Acounts of Messrs McKelvey and Brick and EJB Pense be paid
Ordered that 1500 copies of the Calendar for 1888/1889 be issued and that Dr Knight , RV Rogers, Dr A McGillvray and Dr E Smith Shortt be a committee on Calendar
The Meeting then adjourned.
Wm Harty