University Records

Pages That Mention Saunders


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Cartwright - the Chairman of the Board and Wm Harty Vice-chairman. Carried

Moved by R. V. Rogers and seconded by E.J.B. Pierce that A.P. Knight be Registrar of the College. (Carried) His duties shall be to collect fees, register names of students collect subscriptions, pay salaries of officials at stated times, conduct correspondence and write the minutes of the meetings of the Board Carried

Moved by A.P. Knight and seconded by R.V. Rogers that Dr Lavell be President and Dean of the Faculty of the Kingston Women's Medical College at a salary of Three Hundred dollars per annum and that his appointment be conditioned upon his giving his whole professional attention to the position Carried

Resolved that the following names be submitted to the Dean as those of gentlemen qualified to act Professors in the College and that the question of their appointment be reported on at the next meeting of the Board.

Dr. Sullivan, Dr Saunders, Dr Irwin, Dr Henderson Dr Garrett, Dr Phelan, Dr Beth

The board was of opinion that the three final students should all be appointed Demonstrators of Anatomy.

Resolved that the Vice-chairman. Dr Pense Dr. R.V. Rogers. Dr Gunn & Dr Kirkpatrick. & Sir Richard Cartwright be appointed a committee to wait upon the City Council at its next meeting and ask for the use of

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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Anatomy - Dr C Irwin Materia Medica - Dr A.S. Oliver Theory & Practice of Medicine - Dr HJ Saunders Medical Jurisprudence & San. Science - Dr LM Fenwick Institutes Medicine & Histology - Vacant

Moved by Mr Kirkpatrick seconded by Mr Pense that Dr Lavell's recommendations be accepted and that the appointments be made accordingly at a salary of $150.00 per year for each full chair except that of Surgery which is to be at the rate of $200.00 so long as retained by Dr Sullivan Medical Jurisprudence to be a half chair at $75.00 per annum. Carried.

Dr Lavell and the Secretary were authorized to issue a prospectus for the opening in October and to order such advertising as is necessary.

It was announced that under an agreement by nearly the whole body of Aldermen, the Board would have the Ontario Hall and one room above placed at their disposal for five years under certain regulations and conditions.

Dr Lavell was requested to report upon the needs in the way of fittings and apparatus.

The meeting then adjourned.

H.J. Cartwright Chairman

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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A Meeting of the Trustees of the Womens Medical College was held in the City Council Chambers on 28th May at 3 o'Clock P.M.

Present Wm Harty, Esq, RV Rogers, EJB Pense, Dr Knight, Mrs Dickson,

The minutes of the last meeting of Trustees was read, approved and signed.

A letter from Dr Saunders was read resigning the Professorship of Practice of Medicine: also one from the Dean recommending the appointment of Dr TM Fenwick to the position rendered vacant by Dr Saunders resignation.

Moved by Mr Rogers & seconded by Mr Pense that Dr Saunders resignation be accepted.

Ordered that Dr TM Fenwick be appointed to the Chair of practice of medicine at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars per session.

Ordered that Dr Smith Shortt be appointed to the Chair of Medical Jurisprudence and Sanitary Science, as a salary of one hundred dollars per session

Ordered that Woodcuts of the Dean, Dr Alice McGillvray, Dr Smith Shortt, Dr JK Trout, Dr Beattie, and Dr Oliver be inserted in the next issue of the Calendar.

The Whig account of $54.20 to April 30/87 ws ordered to be paid.

The meeting then adjourned.

RJ Cartwright.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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