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Cartwright - the Chairman of the Board and Wm Harty Vice-chairman. Carried

Moved by R. V. Rogers and seconded by E.J.B. Pierce that A.P. Knight be Registrar of the College. (Carried) His duties shall be to collect fees, register names of students collect subscriptions, pay salaries of officials at stated times, conduct correspondence and write the minutes of the meetings of the Board Carried

Moved by A.P. Knight and seconded by R.V. Rogers that Dr Lavell be President and Dean of the Faculty of the Kingston Women's Medical College at a salary of Three Hundred dollars per annum and that his appointment be conditioned upon his giving his whole professional attention to the position Carried

Resolved that the following names be submitted to the Dean as those of gentlemen qualified to act Professors in the College and that the question of their appointment be reported on at the next meeting of the Board.

Dr. Sullivan, Dr Saunders, Dr Irwin, Dr Henderson Dr Garrett, Dr Phelan, Dr Beth

The board was of opinion that the three final students should all be appointed Demonstrators of Anatomy.

Resolved that the Vice-chairman. Dr Pense Dr. R.V. Rogers. Dr Gunn & Dr Kirkpatrick. & Sir Richard Cartwright be appointed a committee to wait upon the City Council at its next meeting and ask for the use of

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



Kingston September 18th 1883

A meeting of the Board was held today at which were present Sir Richard Cartwright, Dr Lavell, A.P. Knight, R.J. Rogers, H. Folger, Mrs Dickson, Miss Gildersleeve and Mrs B.M. Britton

The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.

Dr Lavell reported that he had filled the chairs declared vacant as follows.

Institutes of Medicine etc - D. Phelan M.D. Anatomy etc. - R. W. Garrett M.D.

He also reported on the estimated cost of appliances, furniture etc at a total of $250.00

Resolved that the Board concede the same priviliges to Miss Oliver and others as were conceded to them by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons last session as regards reduced fees.

Resolved that the duty of heating and furnishing rooms &c be delegated to Dr Lavell, Wm Harty and A. P. Knight

Resolved that Dr Lavell be authorized to engage a janitor

Resolved that R.V. Rogers be authorizuel to get a stock book signed by all subscribers and that said subscribers be asked to make their annual subscriptions payable the first of October instead of the first of November

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



Dr Garretts resignation was received and accepted. Ordered that the Trustees place upon record their appreciation of the valuable services rendered to the College by Dr Garrett.

Ordered that the Dean, Messrs Pense, Rogers and Knight be a Committee to superintend the issue of the College Calendar for the session of 1885/86 and to fill up any vacancies in the Staff. The meeting then adjourned.

Wm Harty

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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