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Pages That Mention Treasurer





A Special meeting of the Trustees of the Women's Medical College was held on December 17th 1883.

Present: Mr & Mrs Harty, Mrs Britton, Miss Gildersleeve, The Registrar, R.V. Rogers, E.J.B. Pense

In the absence of the chairman Wm Harty occupied the Chair

The object of the meeting was to consider a letter from the Provincial Secretary stating that the Lieutenant Governor in Council had no authority to grant a charter giving to the Ladies' College the right "to grant diplomas or certificates of qualification".

Moved by R.V. Rogers & seconded by E.J.B. Pense that we accept the suggestion of the Provincial Council regarding the advisability of procuring a private or public act which will allow the College to grant Diplomas or Certificates of Qualification to practice Medicine & Surgery. Carried

Moved by R.V. Rogers seconded by Miss Gildersleeve that as soon as a charter is obtained, the Registrar be instructed to communicate with the authorities of Queen's College and ask for affiliation with the University. Carried

Moved by A.P. Knight & seconded by Mrs Britton that Mr Adam McArthur be Treasurer of the College at a salary of Thirty dollars ($30.00) per annum. Carried

Moved by R.V. Rogers seconded by A.P. Knight that all moneys be deposited in some chartered Bank as soon as possible after receipt and checked out upon the signatures of the Treasurer & the Chairman or Vice Chairman or in their absence that of the Registrar.

Wm Harty, Vice Chairman

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



A Special meeting of the Trustees of the Ladies Medical College was held on 30th January 1884.

Present W. Harty, Esq., R.V. Rogers, A.P. Knight, E.J.B. Pense, Miss Gildersleeve and Mrs Dickson

In the absence of the Chairman Wm Harty occupied the Chair.

The object of the meeting was to pass accounts sent in to College for payment.

Mr McArthur was authorized to pay a number of a/c upon their being certified by Dr. M. Lavell, also that the Treasurer be authorized to pay petty Accounts any one of which will not exceed the Amount of Twenty dollars before being passed by the Board of Trustees.

Moved by R.V. Rogers and seconded by E.J.B. Pense that Miss Beatty and Miss Smith be appointed to act as Demonstrators of Anatomy, the question of remuneration for their services being left in abeyance for the present.

Moved by R.V. Rogers and seconded by Mr E.J.B. Pense that A.P. Knight write to Dr Sullivan and ask him to kindly grant permission to Students to attend Hotel Dieu Hospital, at such time as might be convenient to the Lady Supervisors meeting then adjourned.

Wm Harty, Vice Chairman

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



A Meeting of the Trustees of the Ladies Medical College was held on the 26th of February 1884

Present Mr and Mrs Harty, Mrs Dickson, E.J.B. Pense and A.P. Knight

Minutes of 3 previous meetings read, approved and signed.

Moved by EJB Pense and seconded by Mrs Dickson that the Treasurer be authorized to pay salaries of Professors and Janitor at as early a date as possible.

Resolved that the Dean, Mr Pense, and Mr Knight be a Committee to attend to the issue of Calendar at such date as they may deem acceptable

The Board unanimously resolved to place upon record their deep sympathy with the Dean of the faculty, upon the loss he has sustained through the death of his son Dr CH Lavell. The members of the Board beg to assure Dr Lavell that he has not only their sympathy but that of every citizen acquainted with the amiable disposition, winning address, and qualities of his deceased son: and they trust that the Great Healer of all hearts may comfort and sustain him in this great affliction.

Resolved that the Registrar be instructed to communicate to Dr Grant regarding affiliation &c, and represent to him that in the opinion of the Trustees of the Ladies Medical college, the same privileges should be conceded to the Ladies Medical College by the University as are now granted.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



A meeting of the Trustees of the Women's Medical College was held in the Whig Editorial Room at 4 o'Clock P.M. November 12th 1884.

Present Wm Harty Esq, Vice Chairman, RV Rogers, EJB Pense, AP Knight, Dr Lavell and Mrs Dickson.

Minutes of Past Meeting were read and approved.

Resolved that Mrs Alice McGillivray MD be appointed Professor of Practical Anatomy at a Salary of one Hundred and fifty dollars per annum

Resolved that the Annual meeting of Shareholders be held on the first Thursday in December next at 3 o'Clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers.

The Committee appointed at meeting of Trustees to consider an Endowment scheme and to report at this meeting were not prepared to submit any report at present.

The Treasurer's Statement showed a balance of $594.18 on Hand

Wm Harty Vice Chairman

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



A Meeting of the Trustees of the Women's Medical College, Kingston, was held in the Whig Editorial Rooms at 4 P.M. on 16th May 1885.

Present Mrs Dickson, Mrs Harty, Miss Gildersleeve, Messrs RV Rogers, H Folger, EJB Pense and AP Knight in the absence of chairman & Vice chairman EJB Pense was appointed Chairman pro tem.

Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed

The Treasurer presented a Statement showing a balance on hand of $368.69

Ordered that Mr McArthur be paid a salary of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the current year 1884/85.

Dr Lavell having tendered his resignation as lecturer on Obstetrics it was accepted.

Moved by AP Knight and seconded by H Folger that the Board place upon record their sense of the loss which the College has sustained in the resignation of Dr Lavell as lecturer in Obstetrics and tender him their warmest thanks for the ernest, energetic, and successful manner in which he has performed the duties of his professorship, carried.

Ordered that Dr Alice Mcgillivray be appointed Professor of Obstetrics in place of Dr Lavell resigned and that in addition to her duties as lecturer Obstetrics she have the superintendence of Practical Anatomy. Salary to be $300.00


Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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