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The Annual Meeting of the Women's Medical College, Kingston was held in the City Council Chambers at 3 oclock P.M. on the 4th December 1884.

Present Wm Harty Esq., Mrs Harty, Miss Dickson (for Mrs Dickson), EJB Pense, AP Knight, RM Rose, RV Rogers, Mrs Macnee vers

Minutes of last Annual Meeting read and approved.

The Registrar read Trustees report for Past year. The Treasurers financial Statement was also read for the past year showing a balance on hand of $287.32.

Moved by RV Rogers, and seconded by EJB Pense, that the Trustees Annual report and the Treasurers Statement be adopted, Carried.

Moved by RV Rogers and seconded by EJB Pense, that the number of Trustees be fifteen, Carried.

Messrs Knight and McArthur were appointed scrutineers.

Voting then took place for Election of Trustees resulting as follows Sir RJ Cartwright, Hon Geo A Kirkpatrick, Alex Gunn MP, Mr Wm Harty, EJB Pense, RV Rogers, H Folger, John Carruthers, AP Knight, Mrs Wm Harty, Mrs Macnee, Mrs Britton, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Trout, and Miss Gildersleeve.

(signed) AP Knight, A McArthur

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



The sixth Annual Meeting of the Subscribers of the Women's Medical College was held on Thursday the 6th of December 1888, at 4 oclock PM in the City Council Chambers and was adjourned to Friday the 14th Decr at the same hour and place when the following subscribers were present viz Messrs W Harty Chairman, RV Rogers, MH Folger, LB Spencer, Dr Alice McGillvray, Mrs Dickson and Miss Gildersleeve

The financial report of the Treasurer for year ending 1st June 1888 was read showing a balance on hand of $1856.96 It was moved that the Treasurers report be adopted, carried

It was moved that the Trustees take immediate steps to find new and suitable quarters for the College, carried.

A ballot was taken for the Election of Trustees for the ensuing year and the Scrutineers found that the old Board of Trustees for last year were re-elected viz Sir RJ Cartwright, Hon Geo A Kirkpatrick, A Gunn, Jno Carruthers, W Harty, RV Rogers, EJB Pense, MH Folger, Dr Knight, Mrs W Harty, Mrs Macnee, Mr Britton, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Trout, and Miss Gildersleeve

It was moved by Mr LB Spence seconded by Mr H Folger that the meeting adjourn for one month to hear report of Trustees as to new quarters &c, carried.

R Vashon Rogers, Chairman

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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