Pages That Mention MacGillivray
A Meeting of the Trustees of the Womens Medical College Kingston was held at the Whig Editorial Rooms at 4.30 PM on Monday the 5th October 1885.
Present Wm Harty, Esq, RV Rogers, Dr Lavell, AP Knight, Mrs Dickson, Miss Harty, Mrs Macnee and Miss Gildersleeve.
The Minutes of last meeting were read approved and signed.
Ordered that Wm Harty Esq, Dr Lavell, AP Knight and Mrs Dickson, be a Committee to fill any vacancy that may occur on the Staff during the present Session.
Ordered that the formal opening of the College showed take place on Monday next the 12th instant, and that notice of such opening be published in the Whig and News.
Ordered that the Lady Trustees of this Board be a Committee to arrange with Dr Alice McGillvray for a course of Lectures open to the Ladies of the City.
Ordered that the a/c of Mr H Wade, Druggist for drugs & Chemicals supplied to the College for the purpose of teaching Materia Medica be paid.
The Meeting then adjourend.
Wm Harty
A Meeting of the Trustees of Womens Medical College was held in the Whig Editorial Rooms on Wednesday the 12th January 1887 at 4 oClock PM
Present Sir RJ Cartwright Chairman, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Macnee, Mrs Harty, Mrs Britton, Miss Gildersleeve, Mr Pense, Mr Rogers and Dr McGillivray
Report of Sub Committee read as follows
The Sub Committee on the Dispensary reports that they had decided to open a Dispensary on Princess Street, in the building kindly placed at their disposal by Miss Gildersleeve: that the sum of twenty dollars be allowed to the Dispensary from the funds of the College for drugs: that Mrs Britton, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Macnee, Miss Gildersleeve, and Dr McGillvray be a Committee of arrangment. Moved by Mr Rogers seconded by Mr Pense that the report be adopted. Carried.
A Discussion as to the the difficulties of Students in attending Clinical lectures at the General Hospital, it was resolved that Sir RJ Cartwright, Wm Harty and Dr Lavell be a Committee to see Dr Dupuis to ask him to give to the Lady Students Clinics for 2 hours per week at the General Hospital with special reference to diseases of Women.
A Meeting of the Trustees of the Womens Medical College was held in the City Council Chambers on 28th May at 3 o'Clock P.M.
Present Wm Harty, Esq, RV Rogers, EJB Pense, Dr Knight, Mrs Dickson,
The minutes of the last meeting of Trustees was read, approved and signed.
A letter from Dr Saunders was read resigning the Professorship of Practice of Medicine: also one from the Dean recommending the appointment of Dr TM Fenwick to the position rendered vacant by Dr Saunders resignation.
Moved by Mr Rogers & seconded by Mr Pense that Dr Saunders resignation be accepted.
Ordered that Dr TM Fenwick be appointed to the Chair of practice of medicine at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars per session.
Ordered that Dr Smith Shortt be appointed to the Chair of Medical Jurisprudence and Sanitary Science, as a salary of one hundred dollars per session
Ordered that Woodcuts of the Dean, Dr Alice McGillvray, Dr Smith Shortt, Dr JK Trout, Dr Beattie, and Dr Oliver be inserted in the next issue of the Calendar.
The Whig account of $54.20 to April 30/87 ws ordered to be paid.
The meeting then adjourned.
RJ Cartwright.
The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Subscribers of Womens Medical College was held on Thursday the first of December 1887 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in the City Council Chambers when the following subscribers were present; Sir RJ Cartwright President, Mrs Macnee, Mrs Britton, Mrs Harty, Mrs McGillvray, Messrs Rogers, Pense, Harty, Knight, Dr Lavell and the Treasurer.
The Treasurer submitted his annual Statement showing a balance on hand on the 31st of May of $1160.73 also a Statement showing the balance on hand on 1st December to be $1656.60 moved by Mr Harty & seconded by Mr Rogers that the Tresaurers report be adopted. Carried.
The Dean submitted an informal Statement of the present condition and future for aspects of the College. He said there were 213 Students in attendance working most diligently and faithfully he proposed the College should be enlarged and should have with it a Hospital for Women and Children.
Moved by RV Rogers and seconded by Dr Knight that the question of establishing a Hospital in connection with the College and indiv. control and management be referred to the Board of Trustees for Consideration.
A Meeting of the Trustees of Women's Medical College was held immediately after the Annual Meeting of Subscribers on the first of December 1887.
Sir RJ Cartwright was unanimously elected Chairman and Wm Harty Esq Vice Chairman. Dr Knight was re-elected Registrar and Mr A McArthur Treasurer.
Moved by Mr Pense seconded by Mrs Britton that the Dean, Mr Harty, Mr Rogers, Dr Knight, and Dr McGillvray be a Committee to consider the Dean's proposition to establish a Hospital in connection with the College.
Ordered that Twenty four dollars be paid to Miss Gildersleeve being nominal rent of premises for Dispensary
Ordered that the sum of Twenty dollars be placed to the Credit of the Dispensry Committee to be used as the Committee may judge best.
A Communication was received from the students of the second year and referred to the Dean for investigation and report.
Resolved that the Vice Chairman be authorized to consider and if he think necessary to order that Gas be placed in the College Rooms
The Board then adjourned.
Wm Harty