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A Meeting of the Trustees of Womens Medical College was held immediately after the annual meeting of 2nd December 1886.

Present Miss Gildersleeve, Mrs Macnee, Mrs Dickson, EJB Pense, AP Knight, RV Rogers, and Wm Harty.

Moved by EJB Pense seconded by Dr AP Knight that Sir RJ Cartwright be chairman, carried. Moved by Dr AP Knight seconded by Mr EJB Pense, that Wm Harty Esq be Vice Chairman, carried.

Ordered that Miss Blaylock be Demonstrator

Ordered that the Dean & Mr Harty be a committee to make certain necessary repairs and improvements in the internal affairs of the College

Moved by AP Knight, seconded by Wm Harty that the Lady Trustees and Mr Pense, Mr Rogers, Mr Knight, and Mr Harty be a Committee to report upon the advisability of organizing a Dispensary for Women and Children in connection with the College

Ordered that the Vice Chairman and Treasurer be authorised to deposit the funds of the College in the Post Office or some other Bank than the Bank of B.N.A. if it is in their opinion desirable to do so. The meeting then adjourned.

R Vashon Rogers, Chairman pro tem

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



A meeting of the Trustees was held in the Womens Medical College on September 21 1891.

Present, The President in the Chair, Miss Gildersleeve, Messrs E Chown, EJB Pense & Knight

The minutes of the previous meetings were read and confirmed.

It was resolved that a ladder be obtained for the building.

Mr Chown agreed to see to it.

Miss Gildersleeve undertook to see Mrs Nickle and ask for a subscription. Mr Chown promised a subscription.

It was resolved that Mr Pense should take the Chair at the opening of the College.

It was resolved that a Committee of the lady Trustees, the lady professors and wives of Trustees & professors be a committee to arrange for the reception on the night of the 16th October, Miss Gildersleeve to be chair convene

Resolved that Drs Henderson & Melborne be requested to arrange for lectures on Clinical Medicine at the Hospital as the same terms as the doctors did last year.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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