Irene Dixon Bamford

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July 6th Thursday Well I am lonesome after John has gone home, to lonesome to stay home alone all day so Maud and I went up to Bells on the Richelieu. Grace went to Kingston. We had a pleasant time at Bells. Marjorie and Beatrice came home with us. When I got to the boat found Watson, Lib and Harry aboard going to Bamfords for a weeks visit percecuted [sic] by friends. Late when I got home but got supper for all.

July 7 Friday A fine day Woke up this morning to find a lot of visitors once more for a whole weeks stay. Well I will put on the whole armor of patience and hard work and wade through. The Lord will see me through. Grace cleaned floors and made lemon pies. Lib cut out and sewed on Mauds dress. Mr W. and H went down to Wills rowed the skiff [illegible]and Grace & the Watsons [illegible]
Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu



July 8 Saturday A fine day did not mop floors this day. Lib sewed on Mauds dress. After dinner Grace, Lib Watson & Harry went berrying. Wellie & Mart) haying

July 9 Sunday A fine day Charley, Belle and two little ones drove down to make a visit and take Marjorie and Beatrice home with them—were very much surprised to find we already had company. Well we had the usual amount of noise, cooking and eating, glad to have Bell & family come over sorry when she went home. Evening visitors Mrs Barries 4 d[illegible] and Mr Buck
Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu



I made Wills family a [illegible]

July 10 Monday A fine day. S wind. Grace, Maude and H went berrying. Lib making a dress for Grace. Watson lying in hammock reading Greek. I doing the housework and cooking their meals. Wellie and Mart at the hay Volsome & his sisters here in eve

July 11 Tuesday fine day but no finer than this miserable pen. Lib work on Graces dress. After noon went over to Wills to sew for Jen. Wellie and Mart haying. Watson over to Wills too. in Evening Harry, Maud and Grace go over to Wills. I stay home alone & have a peaceful time. Grace done washing to day.
Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu



Wednesday July 12 wind south clouding up early in morning. rains all forenoon. Lib finishes Graces dress and mangles the clothes. Wellie and Mart build wire fence around Wellie's house. After supper Grace, Harry and Mart go over to F. H. Dodges to get the $33 dollars. Welly sent Cape Vincent order for Dodge said he had a hard time to get it. Watson very sorry he couldn't go to make Wellie a visit on account of rain

Rec'd from Voltie 20 dollars for mills

Thursday July 13 rather muddy this morning after yesterday's rain. Mr & Mrs Watson, Harry, Maud & Grace walk to dock and carry by hand their gripsack's and bags. Mart drove in for them but found they were gone before he got back from factory. Wellie drew a load of cheese to the dock this morning. Wellie and Mart drew hay to this barn and gathered a good load out of this yard. hived a swarm of bees. Wellie cant get much help about haying. To day I do just as I have a mind to. no one looking to me for a square meal though my [illegible] pile had got so low the meals were [illegible] [margin] the shore

Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu



Minnie Friday 6th April 1894 A cloudy chilly day but very quiet. Voltie went to L Phillips for grass seed, came back just after dinner. Jack Niles brought me some fish. Dora Gillespie here for mission money. Walter Horn here peddling pattent medicine. Rachel came over for milk and stayed till 10 Oclock PM & strung out a mess of Petrie yarns 50 miles long. P. GN. & CW went to Millens Bay for ile. A practising lesson in singing at JN's at which GDB & JDB attend a wanted meeting held at the church this evening which Wellie & Martin attend. A letter from Watson informing us of Harry's intended. Visit GR Dear no rain

Saturday 7th A fine day sun clear. V & M plowing W Jr ditching. Maud making an afternoon visit at JN. Wills D. folks boiling down sap. Grace done Saturday's cleaning. V carried the bees out the cellar, one dead hive consequently we have a little honey for supper

no rain

Last edit 10 months ago by Vivian Z
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