Irene Dixon Bamford

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Jan 28 Sunday 1894 A quiet half cloudy day not very cold. No one here except Will called about a sick calf, been hooked. Voltie & Grace spent the day at Wellie's had a pleasant time and in evening went to church. Maud going too. E Bates piloted Will Alen & wife across to the American shore they are going to visit their relatives and friends. The Sabath day comes gently to a close and all is well

29 Jan Monday A mild cloudy day looks like rain or snow. Wind South. Voltie went to James OBrien to get the horses shod, came home just in time for dinner. Wells Jr got one sturgeon and pulled out the net, all snarled and full of weeds. Heard this day something terrible. Why should I write in this diary that Cobet had killed Mr Athel in a prize fight. Snow begins falling fast, heavy, full of snow from the North East. Grace & Voltie instead going to Kingston tomorrow & stop at Marysville to the Ball tomorrow eve. Grace and I dressed three turkeys for market. Mart commenced going to school this morning. Voltie drove to school house through the storm for Maud.
Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu
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