Pages That Mention George Gillespie
139 10 of April 1894 Tuesday. A cloudy day Wind S.W. Our boys plowing over on the grange down by Wellies (ie Mart plowing). Wellie, Voltie & Will Dixon digging post holes on the grange along the road & finished them all to day. Grace scrubed the kitchen and we moved. Letters from Wells & J.K. Rachel rec'd a letter from Norman. Grace ironed all the clothes. no rain
Wednesday 11 April 1894 A cloudy day & disagreeably cold. Wind North blowing a gale. Voltie cultivating ground just behind the hog pen for wheat. Voltie & Martin. I churned and darned a sock & helped get dinner. Rachel here to borrow $6 dollars. George Gillespie here with a subserititional [sic] for a vault & tore his trowsers leg most off dodging through the wire fence.
no rain
[seal: R Date 1896 Sealed with Gulfwax]
Continued. 3 [binding tape has obscured the writing on the left margin, it will be indicated with #]
#kes his leave, going to call on Yonger #lks & from thence to uncle Sammy's. Tonight we would be alone this eve #t not so evening visitors Frank Woodman, Ed Weaver. Leather land #yed pedro till eleven P.M. Leather # all night.
Thursday 6 Dec 1896 Cloudy wind #South 7 Oclock this morning # I call Devolson. Leatherland # stays till 12 noon day and after a # cordial hand shaking all round # leave again for Kingston # at uncle Sammy's for his # 'sack instead went to Niles to # his dinner and thence to Geo Gillespie # evening we are alone quietly G poped # full of corn
Thursday 24th Sept 96 Rather a nasty morning raining. Get out bed at four clock. Grace to Kingston to market 30 lbs butter Carries Mrs Piggott a bag of apples and a small private basket besides. Voltie bought a bushel of tomatoes of J Wilkinson and brings them on Waggon from dock & two apple barrels. Grace bought a new 6 chairs $400.00 Maud stays home from school, church steeple raised today.
Friday 25 Sept 96 A mild day, broken clouds. Wind South. A fine autumn day. Pickling and canning nearly all day. Maud home. There is no school today. Teacher gone home. Voltie fixing the waggon. Grace washed small washing & got dinner, afer dinner went to Mr George Gillespies to see Dora, found her better. Dr Buchanan there.
Friday 9th Oct 1896 A very fine October dewy & Wind N V and W Jr thresh for Geo Gillespie. Jesse and Wall here. John McDonel here for bags. Maud and Grace go for hickory nuts after dinner. Irene makes chow chow. A letter from Bamford he is not very well. A letter from Mrs Naylor Brown. Ed Weaver here a few minutes this eve. McGlynn came down to see Wall & Jesse Reid about fishing. Go to bed early and have a most refreshing sleep all night.
Saturday 10 October 1896 Another beautiful day, Wind N. V gone to thresh for Geo Rattray Leatherland gave us a call this morning. Jesse came for them to draw their nets home from Breakey Bay obliged to haul them out the river easily.
Saturday 11 March 1899 A cloudy, soft-day. Wind south thawing all day. Geo Gillespie drove up to Kingston on the ice. Grace cleans floor and sweeps chamber. Irene washes clothes a line full. Grace made a cake. After dinner Voltie hitched Bess before the dog cart and drove to the villiage by the viz of the road, ice poor and roads mudy. Maud has a slight cold sent Belle her music book and Grace's apron.
My Shepard will supply my need Jehovah is his name; In pastures fresh he makes me feed, Beside the living stream.