Pages That Mention Wallace Niles
Jan 1 Monday 1894 Saturday 12 Jan 1895 A glorious day, bright warm and clear. Seldom such a day at this season. Set outside, doors open. Maude and her sled & the dog out nearly all day. Volties & Wells Jr making ice tongs. Bamford caping the house all day. Grace cleaned floors & made cookies. I worked my dress skirt, took a nap. Wellie here to dinner. Mr J Niles crossed the ice this morning and back again, reports ice very poor indeed full of holes. Wallace & Geo here this eve playing cards. Voltie helped Will carry in bees true
Sunday 13th Jan 1895 Intended going to Belle's this morning, Maude & I, but a wild snow storm is raging from the North, wind fiercely blowing, snow drifting. Alone all day. Wellie didn't come up to day. Jack and Shell out skating during the short lull in the storm. Geo & Mart going courting this evening to Horn's, storm so hard they couldn't go.
blowing some channel open ice floating. Wallace Niles came down for Mart to go to Sam's barn to play tag with Frank. Grace yet abed. Voltie reading Harpers Magazine. A little colder at evening time. Voltie gone to Wells to see the family and so ends another Sabath day. I read Talmages last sermon and scottish legends. Wells made a fire in the coal stove.
Monday 12 March a bright clear morning, West wind, cool not cold, ground bare of snow, river channel open, ice clear from oposite [sic] shore, spring birds singing. Will going out to day canvassing for apple trees and other shrubery. Our men folks again shingling the roof. North side. at 10 Oclock. Robert Percey came across the ice and river in a boat; came for Wells something again about the Lidy place more trouble I supose [sic]. Wells going to Watertown. We'll see, shall not trouble myself about it either way. I'm through and done worrying about the Bamfords business talent capabiilties
in the eve. A warm lovely night like May. I never before saw anything like it in March. The young moon shining brightly. Laura Smith went to Mr Niles to get Wallace to help do the chores for White has hoisted the piratical flag and gone home. Laura called at our veranda and talked awhile, said she must hurry for she had left Bill alone. Wells and R Percy crossed the open river in a boat from Burnhams this morning March 12 1894 Monday
Tuesday 13 day of March 1894 Prudence Joy very sick. A warm cloudy day, wind N veering around to South at three Oclock PM, commenced raining. Volty and Mart drew hay on waggon, drew four loads from the old barn. Wellie came up for milk and went to Sam's to post a letter. Will stoped here on his way to J Niles. War declared all ground between Will & Smith and White, the breach is widening and the feud progressing. Wells not home yet. La ra ra ra boom de aye Our old man has gone away You bet your boots he's gone to stay.
Frank Woodman & Wallace Niles there. Voltie & I at home all day went nowhere. I broke the Sabbath by reading "In all Shades". Wellie says Eveline is going tomorrow to Clayton with Reube but they may be disapointed for so very fine a day this time of the year is generaly followed by by [sic] wind.
Monday 8 Oct 1894 Wind sprang up in South about midnight and has been blowing half a gale all day. Apples are constantly falling and turkeys are picking them to pieces. Maud gone to school. Grace washing. Voltie drew a load of sand from the foot. Barometer falling. clouds are fast gathering in S.W. for a storm. We had apple dumplings for dinner. I gathered the quail head beans and a few apples. The rain fell in torrents from 4 Oclock till bed time. Frank Woodman here in evening; his father got a kink in his neck wanted something to cure it. Frank Woodman [illegible] Digman stealing our apples.
Sunday 6 September 96 A cloudy squally looking day. Wind blowing fresh from South West and increasing to nearly a gale towards night. Reid here all a.m. Wallace N made a call and they all talk fish talk. V goes over to the other orchard. Reid goes with him. Maude and I walk down through the orchard as far as the old maple. The trees are binding under their load of apples this year. Return to the house and get dinner ready just as V comes back from the old orchard. After dinner Reid comes back and stays till bed time. Henry H brings Grace from at dark. Very glad she came.