Irene Dixon Bamford

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Thursday 3 September 96 Raining from South quite warm weather so much so that the butter is soft, but Grace takes 39 lbs to market which she sells for 18 cts per lb in bulk leaving 6 lbs home. A very rainy day filling the large milk can in short time towards evening clears up. A wet day for their carnival in Kingston. Ferry boat does not leave the city till 6 p.m. and nearly nine when Grace arrives home with V from the dock. Saw Harry in town and called on Harry's grandma and aunts. Maude stays home on account of rain. Jess Reid here most of the day. Letherland helped Voltie milk this morning. Voltie drove hoe Cavalrys buggy.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


68 continued half Irene pared 3 pumkins to dry. Grace knitting and skiming milk. Very chilly raw day. Wind North. Clouds dark, low and rolling along from North to south ward. Cows broke in straw stack again last night. Evening. V and G after discussing the matter conclude to make Dignams an evening visit accordingly. V borrowed F.W.'s buggy and hastily doing the chores and speedily getting supper they depart for Dignam's leaving Maud and I alone to clear the table and wash the dishes and entertain ourselves till bed time. At last every thing is finished, dishes put away, hearth and floor swept and a cheerful fire burning brightly in stove. Maud remarking how warm, cheerful and cosy we were. Maud reading her lesson to Grandma while she knit the lace for the Christmas apron as a gift to Grandma Dixon. Prince and Tiny are comfortably snoozing, each on an old rug which Maud has spread for them. When rap rap rap upon the door anounces an unwelcome visitor and

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu




My dear Papa I received your letter some time ago and was grieved and shocked to hear of poor dear Gordons death. I'm sorry for dear Aunt Mamie and Grandma too and aunt Helen but he is in Heaven now with his father. I can never forget the last time I was there and what a pleasant time we had playing games. Marjorie went with me once. We will see him again some time in that beautiful summer land where there will be no snow or pneumonia. what will poor aunt Mamie ever do but grandma says the Lord can heal her broken heart. Uncle Wells came home on Christmas day like a big Christmas present to us all. Martin came home a week earlier. Martin brought me as a present a beautiful celluoid work box with thimble cissor [sic] &c complete and presents for Grace, Volty and Grandma. Edna Quinn at Christmas time gave me a moroco case for holding letter paper, envelopes, pen holder, blotting pad &c all fill Nelly Guy sent me a flower pot holder. Grace gave me books and other things and we had a Christmas dinner and Wells came. Miss Gordon is our new teacher.

Last edit 10 months ago by Vivian Z


I have not been to school since she began teaching, but am going Monday. The weather has been so rough and the walking mudy [sic] beside. I helped Grace, for Grandma fell and sprained her ankle two weeks ago. and she cannot step on it. The river is free from ice on our shore but Volty and Wallace Niles walked across down by Mr Horns, day before yesterday on form ice but the ice is gone now. My health is good. I never was so fat as now. How is your health and what made you sick when you last wrote and are you teaching and how are Benny & Willie dear little brothers and Ma. Give my love to them all and Dear Grandma and grandma Craig and family.

From your loving daughter Maude L. Watson

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu




Sent letter Eveline Other letters and cards April 5 2 letter one to Gladys and one to W.C.M. Letter to Bill one Easter letter to W.F.W. " " " Charlie Dixon " " " Edna Parsons " " " Muriel " " " Eveline " " " Park

Grandma Grandma will it be all right if I go down to [illegible] she said allowed. Wants me to come as she is there I dont think the girls will over to go with me

Last edit 4 months ago by Khufu
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