Pages That Mention Nelly Guy
Friday 24th January 1896 Raining and freezing: ice on every thing, trees bending under their load of ice. Sarah is obliged to stay all day which does not appear to be very disapointing, she reads and makes a small wall which is very pretty. A letter from Flora and one from Nelly Guy with V's photograph proofs. M & M stay home to day from school on account of rain. Will here awhile. Evening in parlor. Piano playing by Grace . [Wailying?] by V & S at 10 pm I succeeded in driving them all to bed. I sleep on lounge
My dear Papa I received your letter some time ago and was grieved and shocked to hear of poor dear Gordons death. I'm sorry for dear Aunt Mamie and Grandma too and aunt Helen but he is in Heaven now with his father. I can never forget the last time I was there and what a pleasant time we had playing games. Marjorie went with me once. We will see him again some time in that beautiful summer land where there will be no snow or pneumonia. what will poor aunt Mamie ever do but grandma says the Lord can heal her broken heart. Uncle Wells came home on Christmas day like a big Christmas present to us all. Martin came home a week earlier. Martin brought me as a present a beautiful celluoid work box with thimble cissor [sic] &c complete and presents for Grace, Volty and Grandma. Edna Quinn at Christmas time gave me a moroco case for holding letter paper, envelopes, pen holder, blotting pad &c all fill Nelly Guy sent me a flower pot holder. Grace gave me books and other things and we had a Christmas dinner and Wells came. Miss Gordon is our new teacher.
is as bare of snow as April.
Sunday 13th February 1898 A brilliantly beautiful day like paradise. Earth nearly bare of snow yet there is driving on ice. Edna, Maud & Martin go to church. Charley & Henry drive down here bringing Irene with them to stay awhile. Henry & Charley here to dinner. Shelly & Miss Gordon make us a long call. Charley goes at 3 pm taking Grace & Martin with him. Grace enroute for Nelly Guy's Valentine Party tomorrow evening. Shelly & Miss Gordon go at the same time for Miss Scott is at J Niles. Edna, Irene, and Maud are gone out walking perhaps gone to Wellies. Voltie gone upstairs to bed. Sr out to the barn. Irene Sr alone remains in full posession of the house if we dont count the dogs. 4 pm growing cloudy: looks like a rainy time again. How very quiet still & lonesome the house is with only Tiny lying under the table fast asleep. Not so much as the buzzing of a fly to disturb the stillness only the tick tick of the clock as the hours creep along towards nightfall.