Pages That Mention Charlotte
can they all came back accompanied by Maggie Joslin and Fred Davis. I wrote two letters. One to Charlotte, one to Helen Watson.
Monday 28 June 1915 Berrie picking going on again to day. 76 boxes. Edith at school. The wee duck accidentaly hung it self by some railings, poor ducklin! Mrs Ranous came in a few minutes in the evening. She going home with Lydia who has been down to her mothers. All Joslin came for shop work and brought me a bouqet of peonys. Mrs Ranous also brought a bunch of peonys.
Tuesday 29th June 1915 A fine day 'tho cloudy. Looks like rain but dont. Pick berries again this day. I finished a chair tidy.
Wednesday 30th June 1915 Another fine day. Voltie hoeing and picking strawberries. Rec'd a letter from Grace. Emma Woodman here visiting all pm and to supper. I gave her a bottle of catchup.
Leters [sic]
Monday 1st January 1917 Jan 1st Grace 1 Jan 1st Charlotte 1 Jan 3rd Maud 1 Jan 5th Eveline 1
Tuesday 28 1917 It rains this day so cant work in field and now have to wait a few days for the grain to dry out.
Wednesday 29 August 1917 No grain drawing to day. drawing stone for cement. Almond Joslin very bad, had convulsions. received a letter from Belle saying she is coming to Vans Sunday and for Voltie to meet her there with a boat if the weather is good. Emma washing all day.
Thursday 30th 1917 August A rainy morning. Arise early it makes no difference about rain. Voltie drives to dock with Will and Edith carrying Rachels eggs. Then V drives around by the factory seems a long time since he went but he comes at last. The rain clears and a fine pm follows. Emma does a pile of work cleaning windows hanging out so many clothes. long lines full, cooks and prepares for supper. They all come Grace and her family all well and happy Joe, Samy & Gale here in evening.
Friday 31st August 1917 This Friday is a grand beautiful day. warm atmosphere so clear. V & Will drawing stone for mixing concrete for barn floor. I crochet nearly all day on a bread tray doily for Grace. The usual amount of business, goes on cooking, Emma brought in the clothes from the lines. Poor Almond Joslin died this morning after being so long helpless with paralysis. A quire [choir] practice this evening at Woodmans (W.H.) A telephone ring for Emma to attend. Joe drives here for Emma. She goes accompanied by Margaret. Grace rec'd a letter from Maud saying Bert is going to camp and drill for the war.
Wednesday 5 Sept 1917 A very fine day, part of the day) I most forgotten about this day
Thursday 6 Sept 1917 Grain wet again Will very anxious to go home and takes V's skiff and rows himself over to Maloneys.
Friday 7 September 19 I write and send a letter to Grace I receive a letter from Charloote and one from Nelly Brooks
Saturday 8th Sept 1917 A very good day Belle took a walk over to R's picking up to go home Emma helping in field waited so long for them to come to dinner and supper but all finished at last, harvesting done. some sat most done not much V & Joe to corners after dark come back at midnight [right margin] and [demasquerade?] [/right margin]
Wedneday 4 April 1917 A lovely spring day. I saw all the sheep and lambs this morning 53 of them as they went out into the pasture. Voltie carried the bees out this morning. One extinct hive filled with honey very fine. Emma is cleaning the veranda floor and moving the plants. I sent Grace a letter, hope she may get it.
Voltie tried the plow this morning after drawing hay from lower barn. I received a letter from Irene K and glad that she sent me a letter, but I was realy disapointed by not receiving a letter from Grace. Edith and Emma went to Mrs N's in evening and carried them honey. John didn't see Will N so left the $5,00 dollars with the Niles family.
Thursday 5 April 1917 A cloudy day; not cold. V plowed after doing barn chores which are not few for one man to do alone. Emma brought in and sorted all the clean clothes. Edith went to Geo Niles for tabaco. I patched and darned socks and stockings and begin a letter to Charlotte. gather sap, another new milker which is 6 altogether but 4 are 2 year old heifers 1, 3 year old, and 1 cow. 26 eggs brought in to day, two more lambs which makes 90 homing lambs.
Friday 6 April 1917 Awoke this morning to find a foot of snow looks like terrible old winter again cant plow to day so V works away at some saturated hay stack drawing top home for cows. Went to JN's for sour milk. I write and post letter to Charlotte. received a letter from Watson, one from Rachel. None from Grace. Langley went home.